
Because in an auto you never have to touch the key once the car is started, however if you stall a manual you have to grab the key and quickly start it back up and if you accidentally pull it out, you are sitting dangerously in traffic fumbling to put it back in. Can’t pull it out if it is locked in.

It’s called a radar detector and laser jammer or waze if your cheap and like putting your fate in other peoples hands.

“Surprise! Everyone continues to hate their infotainment systems! Via Automotive News: A recent survey of some 14,000 automobile owners seems to suggest they are. The study, conducted jointly by the polling firm Nielsen and automotive consultants SBD, found in general that manufactures are jamming features into cars

I love the subtle F*** You

Or from the side like that last one with the BMW(I think). I am just sitting here like “Which one is getting smaller faster” and it totally looks like those Porsche’s were going just as fast as the one:1 even though I know its not even close.

LOL! Here ya go, these are just the people on death row that were exonerated, there are TONS more that were not on death row. Google is such an easy tool to use, you should learn how to do it.

I turned it off on mine. I figure if I am ever in an incident, I will just turn the cam off to stop from overwriting. Rather do that than let the card fill with locked files and stop recording when I really need it.

Same here! I have been bitten once before when a cop cut me off and blamed me for almost causing an accident even though he was doing double the speed limit. This was back in 2008 before dash cams were big but you better believe I always have one running now. The G1W is a great little cam for anyone looking for one.

This scares the shit out of me. I have seen so many cases where people are exonerated for crimes they did not do only after spending 30 years in jail that it seriously scares me. This is a mild example of that, but they guy still could have spent a year in jail over something he did not do and because the arresting

Now playing

People also forget that other countries DO run risky ads. Maybe not this one in particular, but does anyone remember the Ford ad where the car chops off a cats head? Hell, other countries show what is basically porn and call it a condom commercial.

Of course he is right, if there were a slot for your hand on a 4 door car, the back door would pinch the front passengers hand when they both try opening the door at the same time.

If you are comparing it to an old Accord, then yes, but the new Accords do not have the point at the back of the window like the new civics. Either way, its a GM in Honda clothing lol

Haha everyone wants to be an Accord, Honda must be proud. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Anyone else see a Civic Si here? And can I please not be grey anymore?

One of these things is not like the others...

I don’t even see a screen

I would think so, last I saw, Virgin Galactic just delayed again and a bunch of people are canceling their orders. And they have been at it for over a decade now!

No, they cannot legally run your credit without your signature saying it is ok. At least in Ohio that is.

No, they cannot legally run your credit without your signature saying it is ok. At least in Ohio that is how it works.

What are you talking about with the motorcycle example? That is just ridiculous! If you are insured and have an endorsement, you are test riding whatever you want. Have you ever purchased a bike before? Because you clearly do not know what you are talking about. I have test ridden AT LEAST a dozen brand new bikes on