
The left only attacks+censors the voices they see as a real threat to their control. Why is the entire MSM on all platforms trying to destroy him? If you look beyond the 3 topics the MSM has cherry picked to attack him on, you might see why he has so many listeners. For 💩’s and giggles, please google Elon Musk says th…

So would it be ok if a Saudi billionaire got a majority stake in Apple, banned all LGBT content, and said it's b/c they are "curating content" for their users?

If you have to go through the ITunes store to get an app, then Apple did decide for people.

Don’t rush to Crucify me, but have you ever watched the video of the Sandy Hook father who was laughing, then took a moment to get his sad face on, then pretended to cry? The only thing he left out was putting eye drops in his eyes, hence the lack of tears. I cried like a baby for days when I lost my dog 2 years ago,…

How about ‘dem Yankees?

Why were parts of the video removed?

Sounds like that car needs a breathalyzer installed.

Lol- Nice stripes-

Why bumper height? Also, the sensors aren’t just there for you. They’re set low in case someone’s snot nosed, annoying, virus carrying kid runs into your garage.

So you attack people based on their appearance? So if someone doesn’t have the hair, skin color, or body type you approve of, you insult them? You are a perfect example of how liberal [don’t] practice what they preach. Crooked hillary supporters scream acceptance, yet you insult/bully/physically assault others based…

Is Melania running for potus? Liberals nitpicking at anything+everything show how desperate they are. Is Melania under investigation by the FBI for a corrupt foundation? Did she just get done with another investigation?Does she lie every time she’s asked about her crimes?