Mr Jonathan Strange


It’s honestly kind of beautiful. A functioning card game in the form of “they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

Ringo screaming “I’ve got blisters on my fingers!” at the end of “Helter Skelter” is probably the best thing the Beatles ever recorded, so any claim that he wasn’t vital to the band is laughable.

That entire article was full of shit. He’s an ornery old man making shit up.

It’s actually a compilation of reviews, not a history. I wrote one of the reviews.

reviews were written by a team of 112 volunteers from all around the globe – fans, modders, journalists, critics, indies and AAA developers.


Friendly reminder that Chinese Food (as opposed to Chinese food) has a longer American history than the fudging hamburger. To hold its lack of “authenticity” against it makes as much sense as, well, holding a lack of authenticity against the similarly misleadingly named “Hamburg-er”.

Did she publish an HP work that explicitly states it (or HEAVILY implies it, which the HP7 did not)? If not, that brings into question of what truly is canon. Is the existing work self-contained, or is it affected by the author’s statements after the fact? Is the meaning of a written work defined solely by the author,

Exactly. Same thing that happened with Korra. The creators wanted brownie points after the fact (Korra’s was likely planned when they found out they were cancelled) so they forced it. And as it was in line with the zeitgeist, it was praised and acclaimed, and anyone who disagrees is demonized.

I feel the same way. I have no issues with Dumbledore being gay, if they had just put it in the story arc. I meanshe could have written about the time Neville stumbled upon Albus and Flitwick (the second Flitwick, not the original old one, as that would be weird) behind the Whomping Willow, and I would be like cool.

I have no problem whatsoever with Dumbledore being gay.
...but he isn’t gay.

Or straight. His sexuality is not addressed in any meaningful way in the books or films based on them.

J.K. Rowling can decide say whatever she wants to the press, and decide that it’s canon. Sure. But the Dumbledore she wrote into the books

Its almost like NO ONE GIVES A SHIT! right?

Uh, I’m fine with every character’s romantic life being “minimized”. Not why I’m watching the movies.

I see nothing wrong with this helping to support the rape as long as there is more evidence than just this. Especially the GPS data. I hope someday good exonerates someone based on the location data.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Oh for dog’s sake, people, stop whining about the video. In the last dozen or so stories on the front page, the only other one which really requires viewing the video starts has a title which starts with “In the New Winchester Trailer...”

It was interesting in theory, but rough in execution. ‘Catching’ them after a battle was a crapshoot, with the most powerful having something like a 2% catch rate that you couldn’t do anything to influence, so I remember spending 6-8 hours just to catch a powerful mid-game monster.

Still can’t believe they removed the familiars system. I can’t be the only one who loved it in the first game.

"Chili" is just a word. Stop expecting it to taste like chili and you'll realize how wonderful Skyline is.