Mr Jonathan Strange

Since link summoning became a thing, Pendulums have been nerfed a little bit. They were just too broken I think. Somehow Konami scales back power creep with each format while also turning on the jets and blasting it forward.

My sweet summer child. The game has changed so much since then. Power creep? Nah, more like power flood. You can get out multiple insanely OP monsters on turn one. The name of the game is now OTK.

Han looks somewhere between the two actors who’ve portrayed him, and something about that is absolutely hilarious to me.

The Blackwood #3 variant is clearly inspired by the Pokemon X and Y character AZ.

“Prejudice over a culture based on the belief ours is superior—if that’s not textbook racism, it’s dangerously verging on the idea.”

Anyone who goes in a Best Buy knows this, my dude! There’s still like 3 solid aisles, right around the blu-rays.

Do people even read the article? It’s like 5 paragraphs people. This motherfucker admitted to murdering and raping a 19 year old med student.

Are you high?

To a Switch owner who’s never played either: Enter the Gungeon or Binding of Isaac?

Why do people not understand this? They made an entire trilogy to explain who people were and how they rose to power, and it largely sucked.

AHS Cult was so shithouse. The last 3 or 4 seasons of AHS have honestly felt like they were written by somebody who doesn’t know how to tell a story. They always have a solid premise, but for some reason shoot their wad on that premise in like episode 3, and then it’s just a random, tedious slog to the end.

You said it perfectly. No I’m not crying. You’re crying!


Looks dope!

This is Keighle’s “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” moment


what a dope title though, am I right

Jesus, what benefit does the species receive by the female killing the male?!

If you are on Chrome, my god, go download The Great Suspender right now. Never feel bad about leaving tons of tabs open again — this will let you suspend them and free up any memory/CPU usage.

I watch it for my wife. But it pains me. This is truly one of the worst seasons of television I’ve ever seen. I always save new episodes of The Exorcist to watch after, just to wash the taste out of my mouth.