Mr Jonathan Strange

For shit’s sake Nintendo just do this again! Please! I need another imaginative, hilarious adventure and no matter how much I like South Park and Steven Universe, it just isn’t the same.

can I just say YAAAAAAAAS I’m grabbing Oure when I get home

Looking absolutely amazing, and from a super talented team too. I can’t wait. And does that VA sound familiar to anyone else?

True, but AHS is also terrible and has been for like 4 straight seasons

I liked the first season, but I’m not digging this second season at all. Still leagues better than AHS, but it feels like squandered potential. Only the first episode of S2 had interesting scares/creep value.

Super interesting, especially the line

didn’t even realize Kilmonger had his own suit. very Iron Man 1 vibes.

We got this recently and have played it with our friends nonstop. We bought all the expansion packs as well. It’s so fun and surprisingly customizable.

I just wish this was a little more “horror” and a little less “horrifying.” It’s approaching torture porn at this point. It reminds me a lot of The Devils Rejects, a movie that follows serial killers. It’s not really scary anymore since we’re following this all-powerful murderous cult who can do no wrong and somehow

“Last season’s Roanoke took aim at reality TV, with mixed but generally amusing results.”

Bummer. Say what you will about Mel (namely that he’s insane), but he makes a damn good movie. Not sure how he would’ve handled the tone and feel of the comics, but I think it’s safe to say it would’ve been.... bizarre.

Such a beautiful score. One of the only video game works that gave me chills frequently. It was just so perfect.

Pokemon: Conquest was SO. GOOD.