Magnakai Haaskivi

I don't think so; as recently as last season, Birmingham was in the Europa League for their League Cup win over Arsenal, in spite of being relegated. I'm pretty sure UEFA leaves qualification up to the leagues.

I already know the very broad strokes of what it's building to; you can't hang out on this site too long without being mildly spoiled about certain things. ;-) I don't know details or twists within that structure, though.

Thanks! Yeah, it was starting to feel very "X-Filesy", and while it wasn't BAD I couldn't tell if it was building to something bigger or just stringing me along. I'll finish the first season and see where we go.

Vaguely off the subject, but the Indigo Girls were how I taught myself how to play guitar; they have a good mix of big, easy, open chord songs (pretty much anything by Amy, especially back in 1997 when I was starting off) and more advanced stuff, and it's really satisfying early on to be able to replicate a sound that

Let's talk about "Fringe". I'm about halfway through Season 1 on Netflix, and it's interesting but not mindblowing; does it get better, or is this one of those shows that doesn't have a payoff?

I thought that's what my teeth were for?

I may just have to swing by Best Buy and pick up a joystick tonight; I'll let you know how it goes!

I think I have the re-issued "Collector's Edition" of X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter; I wonder if that was tweaked at all to make it compatible? I know it played fine under Windows XP; I can't remember if I ever played it under 64-bit XP, though.

Plus, I learned how to do the "Wotan Weave" through them!

Agree on the "shaving against the grain" thing; it's the only way I can get a smooth shave on my neck.

Nope...but if you have a campaign in Cleveland, I could name a character that. ;-)

No worries, I was THRILLED when I found it; I've always been a little sad how high up the Google search results my name appears, there should be more Joe Dever's Magnakai and less Magnakai Haaskivi stuff.

Agreed...no reason they couldn't have included that.

So for anyone who's into this kind of book, I should probably take this space and plug Project Aon; this is a website that's recreated the "Lone Wolf" series of adventure books into an HTML format that allows you to go through them just as if you'd read them; this is accomplished because Joe Dever, the author of the

Realistically, how good a card is that 7770? I'm asking because I've been looking at upgrading my video card this week, and that's about where my budget is; I don't need to play things on uber-high, but my current card (a 6450) isn't cutting it, and I'd rather stay with AMD so I don't have to deal with

Will iOS 7 phase out older devices (iPad 2/iPhone 4 is my primary concern)?

Not sure if you're a book person or not, so SPOILERS.

That's the kind of group I'm looking for; you in Cleveland? ;-)

If one wanted to get involved with a tabletop group, are there any resources that could make that happen? It was way easier to find fellow geeks in high school; now that I'm an adult with responsibilities, it's really hard to find like-minded people who can run a good campaign.