Magnakai Haaskivi

Honestly, call me cheap, but I have never understood the price point of a Mac; I'm not militant about it, and I wouldn't bring it up normally, but since you're asking I'd have to say I'd never consider a Mac unless I had a need that ONLY a Mac could meet (which, given the fact that my job isn't in programming,

Wunderlist is one of my favorite apps, because it lets me synchronize my grocery list with my wife easily. I'm sure there are other ways of doing this, and I'm aware that this is not the biggest problem to solve...but we both share a "Grocery" list, and whenever one of us thinks of something we just add it onto the

I'm glad someone else had this impression, I was thinking I was the only one...I quit after like seven episodes, it just wasn't doing it for me. I've wondered if I needed to give it another shot, like if there was something I missed, but it just holds no interest for me.

As someone who primarily uses their Xbox as a media server (for Netflix and streaming movies from my hard drive), I'm really hoping they update the codecs in the next version and enable .mkv support.

So will the GoT mod now be able to have weirwoods and three-eyed ravens and the like?

Somebody here has to have played this when they were younger like I did, right?

The main feature of Drafts that I love is it's ability to open up almost instantly. I don't have to tell it to start a new draft, or to have it create a new file; it opens, ready to type, and I can sort out later what I want to do with the notes I've taken (Evernote, Word, Pages, e-mail, delete, whatever). It also

I could've sworn each book was three seasons, but either way it was extraordinarily ambitious, considering it was a new property that was expensive to shoot and didn't really have a good entry point; Game of Thrones will get leeway that Carnivale never would get. A graphic novel would've worked great, really, but I

Considering the showrunner saw the whole thing as a nine-year plan, with three segments that each ran three seasons apiece, this storyline was barely started. It'd be like reading the first half of "Game of Thrones" and thinking we knew where that story was headed.

It's shocking that Carcassonne isn't on this list; possibly the most perfect adaptation of a board game ever.

The show runner had some amazingly ambitious ideas for the show, and I almost guarantee it would've collapsed under it's own weight eventually, but I really wish we'd have been given the chance to see that.

Seeing Michael J. Anderson just makes me sad about "Carnivale". I'm still mad about the ending.

When I was in college, my frat had a party called "Hobo"; you had to get the most dapper looking outfit you could find from Goodwill, with a $10 limit on price. Then we'd proceed to do beer slides in the clothes and totally ruin them. We never explicitly mocked homeless people, but the party's name and the general

I read it to my wife last night, and it makes for a good time if you do it just right.

Ah, my mistake; I haven't listened to the podcast yet, I was just going by what was in the article.

I'm pretty sure you can just switch Gmail back to the old compose mail format. On the window, in the bottom right corner, there's a little arrow menu; clicking that brings up an option to "Temporarily switch back to old compose". I don't know how long they'll let you use old compose, but you might as well milk as much

Just noticed it now, but the dude on the far left is doing a wicked Christopher Guest in "The Princess Bride" thing in that photo.

Anyone remember "Covington Cross"? I remember being totally stoked for this show, and then being really sad when it was cancelled...when I was like 12.

Fred Willard needs to be the aging on-air male talent. He might be a little TOO old for it now, but any chance we have to get a reprisal of his character from "Best In Show" is a chance worth taking.