Magnakai Haaskivi

I feel as if “Hungry Like The Wolverine” would’ve fit so well here...

How are you liking "Brilliance"? I picked it up and got distracted after maybe a chapter or two and haven't gone back, I couldn't decide if I was interested or not. Does it pick up the pace?

Arya does get that one guy, though.

When he was on "The Nerdist" podcast, I seem to remember him saying it had a lot to do with the fact that the computer was only good for this one thing anymore, so there were no distractions to deal with. It's basically a typewriter. It also was because it was the program he knew best, and it had all the formatting

Any FPS with ambiance is better experienced that way. When I first player F.E.A.R. that was the only way to go through it; Bioshock was the same way.

I think I'm MHaaskivi on Game Center; I haven't played in awhile (this comment was from last year, but still stands), let me bone up on it and I'll add you. I don't do Princess and Dragon, though, because it confuses the shit out of me.

If I remember from the show, the same is NOT true for cars; the car uses less fuel when idling, and the distance becomes a bigger issue. I also seem to recall that it takes a lot longer, and thinking that that was counterintuitive (if you're running the engine longer and traveling a longer distance, that should

My bad, I can't figure out the new comments. Glad you like, though!

Google "Project Aon"; all the books are there in .html format, complete with character sheets and a bit of a community around them. They even have the Grey Star books (which I loved).

Bayern Munich are actually going to have to close some stands for their Champions League match against Manchester United for a homophobic banner against Arsenal. You've also seen it in Holland and Turkey, too, but it's for a variety of offenses (including pitch invasions, which punished Dinamo Bucarest a few years

You get your wish next year. ;-) Link

Liverpool actually turned down the "Fair Play" slot for Europa this year for exactly that reason; I was pissed at first (because, Europe, ya know?), but that seems to have worked out well for them.

If I remember right, Liverpool took a sponsorship hit from Standard Chartered for not making the Champions League; they didn't pull the deal because the mechanism to make a lower payment for decreased exposure was already written into the original contract. I'd hope Chevy has a similar deal in place for next season.

I seriously doubt the fan base will indulge a bunch of midweek friendlies that are going to be starring sub-par players for an entire season. I also doubt that those games will really be interesting or worth watching, with both teams involved presumably looking to protect their best players from injury in games that

Pretty sure England gets three Europa League spots (fifth place, winner of the League Cup, winner/runner up of the FA Cup, and it goes to league position if the League Cup or FA Cup winner and runner up have already qualified for the Champions League).

Hat based classes? You mean...like Squids Wild West?

That game represents so many college classes me and my roommates should've gone to but didn't.

"DrNerdLove doesn't think this will work."

I get what she's doing with TV and movies, but spoilers ruin the book for me. With a movie or show I like to know what's coming so I can start appreciating the set-up without watching an episode twice. Books, though, take way more time to get through, and spoiling them makes the book feel like a chore.

Actually...Bran doesn't remember ANYTHING about Jaime. That's why there still is a Jaime.