Magnakai Haaskivi

Is it wrong that one of the main reasons I'm wary about downloading this is that the icon is ugly? Being that all weather apps basically do the same thing, and granting that this app looks nice once opened, I'll give it a shot...but it's kind of an eyesore to look at.

If you like Drop 7, you'll also like Eighty-Eight. It's the same game only with an 8x8 grid instead of a 7x7 grid, plus some tweaks (there are bombs to loosen up the bottom of the pile as you go on, and they've got achievements). Same art style, same basic idea.

I actually prefer the spoiler less version of the map for reference when I'm reading (because oftentimes, I have no idea where the fuck people are without context).

I like that one.

Also, under this plan, "The Drive" was the first shot at taking away our freedom. Way to be a terrorist, John Elway.

I bet it goes deeper...the CIA has been making Cleveland sports suck for YEARS, just so that it wouldn't raise any suspicions when they lost to Boston last night. The CIA loves it's long cons.

That's really never made any sense; unless you were going to fundamentally change the relationship between Dany and Drogo (which they really didn't do), just leave it like it is in the books.

I think he's just a Bolton bannerman.

I adore that Mr. Rogers quote.

I wonder if that interpretation helps this guy at all, though; "You're not really baptized, you're murdered by the priest that acts like he's about to baptize you!"

Isn't there a theory out there somewhere that Booker's actually drowned in the baptism scene, and the Booker you play right after that is a different Booker from another tear?

I think that there's a difference, though, between participating in a fake religious ceremony and pretending to kill people. I don't agree with him, but I kind of see his point; if baptism is a central tenet of your faith, it's not something you approach lightly or for entertainment value. I think he might be

I always thought that Booker was referring to the sin of giving away his daughter; not that his days as a Pinkerton and a soldier at Wounded Knee weren't bad, but that the big, irredeemable thing he'd done was give Anna away.

It's so much better to read as an adult, when it actually kind of makes some sense; it's not a hard read, either, you could probably bang it out in a couple days.

That stroller's awful.

I had no idea what you were talking about until I Google it. Yes, poor kangaroo indeed. However, if I had to rank the Disney sitcoms, it'd be like this:

The original Marina was at least worth looking at. This show is like a more reatrded version of Austin and Alley.

I love that game, but it was hard as hell. That was one of those games where I didn't feel bad at all cheating to get through (being 13 and all), especially with those stupid eagle guard things...I could never get the timing right on the parry/thrust of their swordfighting.

I love me some first season Heroes, but more because the whole arc of the show was good, not individual episodes.

I also loved that it was possible to "redeem" Saren by convincing him to shoot himself, ending the Reaper's indoctrination. That felt right, somehow, especially since I'd played the whole game trying to convince him that he was wrong.