Magnakai Haaskivi

See, I kind of wonder in a way if reading the books is spoiling my enjoyment of the show; like I'm looking for signposts, and I know (generally) what's missed and what's coming up. I know Lem (or Thoros on the show) is a good guy, so that encounter with him and Arya in the last episode is stripped of any real tension;

The trick I've found for going "cash only" is to set aside an amount of money (for my wife and I it was $1,000) that we don't touch unless there's an emergency; it made the necessity of having credit cards "for emergency use only" not there (because when you're buying in credit, lots of things can be defined as

I'm pretty sure this is how Will manages his time in "About a Boy".


If we're being 100% honest: I don't actually care about Bran's storyline (show or book). And yes, I know, it's probably going to end up being really, really important...but it bores me so much. SO. MUCH.

Well played, good sir.

I usually use SBSettings to hide unwanted apps; they're still there, but I don't have to deal with them.

That seems like a pretty accurate depiction of the very end level of ME3, really. It's not just the badass reaper, the street vaguely reminds me of running around and finding cover.

I would constantly be opening the wrong apps with that home screen. It feels cluttered to me.

Anything short of a monstrous tablet would be huge, though...which would probably make it something only worthwhile at conventions and the like.

Especially a game that has no in-app purchases; that makes it a lot more fun to earn the money to advance.

I dunno...Bran and Arya haven't aged THAT much that it'd be undoable. Sure, you might need to grow Arya's hair back out or whatever, but that's not totally outlandish...Tommen and Myrcella are barely there, and Joffrey is pretty much the same age (not all that much actual time is covered in the books so far - like a

I actually wonder if they're going to go back to the night Robert visited Winterfell to show things from Mance's perspective (being that he was there and all). If they keep this like the book, the fact that he's a passable bard will need to come in at some point, and it'd recapitate Ned for one last hurrah.

This sounds more like an old school expansion pack than the current crop of DLC.

I agree about Timberlake's ability; also see "Black Snake Moan", which I always thought he did a nice job in.

What you're describing is exactly how I use "Drafts", but it'd be nice if Drafts came out with a desktop client that would let me sync back and forth with my iOS devices.

It is, but it was barely discussed in the documentary

My only complaint is that the game is too short. I'm pretty much finished with it after getting all the fish and going through the whole upgrade path, and that only took me about a day...but maybe they're planning on adding to it?

It seems like this happened in 2010, so if she's 24 now it happened when she was 21-22. So, younger, but still a fully grown adult woman.

It'd be pretty cool if, instead of just focusing on the Turtles, they found a way to make the old Palladium RPG into a game. It'd take a lot of work, but the ability to be ANY animal, with various degrees of mutation, could be really interesting.