Magnakai Haaskivi

So...dog shit in his mailbox?

Ah, you're right...I read all the books in a marathon back-to-back couple of months (ish), and the breaking points in the books kind of blur together. I'd forgotten how much of the Purple Wedding's aftermath was covered in that book, and there are at least two other - better - breaking points for Season Four.

I'm almost positive that the Red Wedding will end (or almost-end, as it may be) Season Three, and the less discussed (but, perhaps, more satisfying) Purple Wedding will end Season Four. That all kind of works, if I'm remembering my books right (Purple Wedding comes towards the end of ASoS, although perhaps not RIGHT

I love me some Titan Quest, I may just start a new game of that. I'd forgotten all about it, actually...I wonder if I'll have to restart my Harbinger.

To be fair, that ride DOES suck the second or third time through.

He's so unhip, when you say "Dylan", he thinks you're talking 'bout "Dylan Thomas"...

I completely missed all of the first season of this show; is it any good? Worth jumping into, or is it just kind of silly?

I'm sure Elway's endorsement will only make things easier for Romney in Ohio. Clevelanders have totally forgotten all about The Drive. In fact, maybe he should see if Michael Jordan, Ernest Byner, and Jose Mesa are available to endorse him as well.

Does anyone have a good WeekCal-like app for the iPad? I like being able to color code events within one calendar (a la Outlook), and so far only WeekCal lets me do that.

When I walked in this morning I saw that the flag was at half mast, I though, ‘All right, another bureaucrat ate it!’ And then I saw it was Lil’ Sebastian. Half mast is too high. Show some damn respect.

Has anyone had a problem with Sparrow not following rules for labels that I've set? I swear it used to apply labels without my intervention at one point, but now it doesn't. The browser version (and the Gmail app on my iPad) work fine, but Sparrow leaves everything unlabeled unless I manually label it...and those

I still haven't finished DA:O; played through it MOST of the way, then just stopped a bunch of times. I enjoy the game, just apparently not enough to actually finish it.

I have to be honest, I really really wish that "Titan Quest" got more love in these conversations. In terms of "Diablo-style RPG", it was right up there with Diablo II for me. I couldn't get into D3, but went and dug TQ out and it scratched that itch pretty well...and it's got a cool style.

Sadly, they fixed the bug that let you hide it in 5.1.1.

No dice both literally and figuratively, as it were.

Also cool: if you have enough PCs to cool (i.e., if you have a data center or some such setup), you can use the heat they generate and heat your building with it. You essentially watercool everything, and then treat the data center as a system's boiler, and use the warmed water to heat as you normally would (radiant

For some reason I couldn't get into the first game. Is it an acquired taste, or should I go back and give it another shot? What're some tips for getting the most out of the experience?

Is it just me, or is the first-person narration of the article a little bit creepy?

Ramsay Bolton is not impressed.

Shit, you're right. My mistake.