Magnakai Haaskivi

There's also all of the stuff that happens with Jamie in book 3 at Riverrun, breaking the siege and all that...but we're a LONG way away from that.

Is there any good iPad calendar app that lets me color code my calendar like Week Cal (or Outlook) does? WeekCal HD would be ideal, obviously, but that doesn't exist; everything else only lets me color code events by putting them in entirely separate calendars, and quite honestly that's a ridiculous waste of time and

Wait, why are there two different pieces for the rooks? That looks like it'd be confusing.

TECHNICALLY, it wasn't the D20 system; it was the less-adaptable 2nd edition rules. Not to be that guy, but I think he's probably right in terms of 2nd edition, maybe less so in terms of D20.

Or Snow.

I carry an iPhone, iPod touch (it's bigger than the iPhone and has music, podcasts, games, e-books, etc. on it), iPad, and netbook to work. Of those, however, I only actually use the iPhone and iPod at work. At some point in the near future I'm hoping to consolidate the two devices so that I can just carry one at a

I think he only used Ice when he was doing executions because of how unwieldy it was...but, yeah, if I had a bigass Valyrian steel sword, I'd keep it handy.

Oh, I agree, I wasn't saying that you were advocating never knowing what's going on. Just that, if you have no idea, pretending you do is the best way to go in most situations.

I'd agree, it's the most serviceable alternative to actually knowing what you're doing.

Those metal plates are actually supposed to distribute heat more evenly; you heat the metal plate, and then the metal plate distributes out to the grate. YMMV on how effective they are, but that's the general idea.

Morocco is perfect for Dorne, I hadn't seen that; maybe some of that storyline is being accelerated a bit? Astapor may stay in Croatia to maintain a similar visual style for Dany's storyline.

Spoilers and stuff:

Since it's only supposed to be the first half of Song of Swords, it's probably the only place they have to go; you won't even get to Mereen until Season 4. Although I do wonder how they'll handle the Feast for Crows/Dance with Dragons dual timelines; they can't realistically put Tyrion, Daenerys, and Jon Snow on the

Agreed, that's kind of the point of M:tG. And the Microprose game from 1997 totally let you do this.

My best decks: a blue/white stasis deck, a red/blue flyer/direct damage deck, and a blue/green Gaea's Liege deck that would turn everything into forests and then use power sink/lifetap to give myself a ton of life, while I'd crush you with those forest-walking dryads and giant growth. The Gaea's Liege deck never

I want to say that Leviathan was mentioned somewhere in Mass Effect 3; am I right about that?

I've always found using long, oiled wooden skewers as the best way to grill asparagus; you simply make a raft out of them and then use tongs to flip. Season with some salt and pepper and call it a day.

Downcast is great, but I'd be willing to try something else out; I don't use half of the features in Downcast, and I do occasionally run into issues where Downcast freezes up while playing a podcast.

Should be "Watch me turn into a bat and shoot fireballs at people."

Yeah, Mass Effect had the biggest character decision moments. Ashley or Kaidan? Save Wrex or not? Save the council, or let the reapers kill them? Save the Rachni queen? Fight Saren or try to talk him down? The other games had moments, but in terms of the overall storyline, there were more actual decisions to be made,