Magnakai Haaskivi

Exactly. I had never really thought about the characters until that moment, either; it was like, "Hey, we've been together since the first game, and whatever happens at the end of this, we're probably going our separate ways after." Thing is, I didn't even really CARE about Garrus until about midway through that game,

True story: I died the first time I came up against him.

I thought the "goodbye moments" you got with most characters (Ashley at the Wall, Miranda and her weird, stupid storyline about her sister, etc.) were kinda lame. But the one with Garrus - where you're just fucking around on the Citadel, shooting cans with a sniper rifle and bullshitting about stuff you've done

I think that would mean that "The Wire" existed in the King multiverse. Am I wrong?

I just finished this last night, actually; the ending sucked, but honestly the game gets credit from me for at least keeping me invested through that point. I finished all the games in that series, and I usually don't finish games (I get to a point, and then stop/get bored/pick up something else/etc.). So, yeah, the

Angry Birds cost a hell of a lot less to make than Modern Warfare, though. It still probably made less money, but the small amount of money to start it up (and relatively short development cycle) probably make it a pretty appealing business model. Plus, that's just game sells, not sales from toys, towels, fruit chew

Unless "Mechanique" explains why Sophie's eyes turned black at the end of the second season, it's not going to sate my "Carnivale" fury.

Agreed; even the characters I've liked in the past are drowning in storylines I don't care about, and since I know nobody's gonna die a lot of the tension's removed from the show. Did anyone REALLY think Tara was dead, or that Newlin was never coming back, or any of that? I doubt it. The show needs to take a scythe to

I'm to the point where I'm only watching this show so that these recaps make sense.

Call me crazy, but the idea for a "first person marriage counseling simulator" sounds like just about the worst game ever. Not because of the gay marriage aspect, but, I mean...who wants to go to therapy for their own problems, let alone go to therapy to diagnose and sort out problems in an imaginary relationship?

Wine and liquor generally don't foam much, and are the only lines you'd actually be worried about hitting. Provided anyone actually uses or cares about the lines, which I'd say is unlikely.

And you can see the ridge inside so you know when to stop pouring.

"Human Again" from Beauty and the Beast sucks. Granted, it was taken out of the original and only reinserted into the DVD, but still.

Carcassonne was only like $35, way worth it.

Madden 13 remade in the ORIGINAL Infinity Engine might be kind of awesome.

To be fair, there's almost no acknowledgement of your wins in FM, either; when I'm playing career mode, I'm usually past that point anyways. Come April/May, unless things are tight, I generally am already thinking about summer and transfers, not about the end of the season.

I'm feeling like #4 might be Bioshock Infinite?

Even stuff like letting us schedule more than four friendlies (there's no reason to limit this; if I want to tire my team out and risk injury in order to get them to gel, that should be my decision, especially since I suck at FIFA and like using friendlies to figure out who's good and who sucks) would be nice, really.

I really wish they'd beef up the Manager Mode/Franchise Mode/Whatever the hell they call it; I'm not expecting FM levels of detail, but a little more intrigue and control would be nice.

That's a purple shirt, though...Ravens or Vikings, perhaps?