Magnakai Haaskivi

I kind of don't care about Robb's wedding, because the specifics of that are essentially the same as they are in the book; what's important is that Robb's promised to a Frey, but marries anyway, and marries a woman of lesser nobility than the Freys.

Tommen was shipped off somewhere to be left in hiding by Tyrion in the book; he's not at King's Landing during the Battle of Blackwater. He may be recalled right away by Tywin at the end of that book, I don't recall the exact time frame for his return.

If done really well, though, it can work. "Mass Effect" is probably the most notable example; we all played as Shepard, but we also all played a different version of that character.

FM was pretty much the only game I played for like three years straight, to be honest; it's equal parts entertaining and addictive. I'll check the demo out, see if it works...I'm more interested in the Westeros mod, to be honest, but for $10 on Amazon it's really pretty risk-free.

About two years ago, my wife was diagnosed with MELAS, a mitochondrial disorder. Being that mitochondrial DNA is passed down through the mother, that meant that our two children also likely have the disorder (a muscle biopsy could confirm it, but we're holding off on that until they're older). The process for

If I'm comfortable with an in-depth sim like Football Manager, is CKII gonna be incredibly confusing, or is that the level of detail I should be expecting? Obviously it's a different kind of game, but are they similar in the level of detail I'm expected to attend to?

When a government is saying that a Blizzard might have violated trade laws, it's possible this issue has been elevated beyond "self-entitled gamers".

Because ESPN totally does these radio shows out of the goodness of their heart due to their sheer love of sport, not because they're advertising delivery devices meant to hype their on-air content and the advertising that goes with it...oh, wait.

Tali approves.

It can't be the season finale, though, because the other storylines (that've diverged from the books more significantly) still need rounded up. I wonder, though, if they'll leave Tyrion's fate for next season; it makes sense, really, to start next season with the scene at the end of the book (with pledging

I'm not bothering on my iPod touch, but I recently bought an iPad 2 that came with 5.1 installed. I think people with newer stuff will be very happy; I tend to just leave my device jailbroken once it's there, though.

My wife never understood "The Wire" until we started watching it with subtitles; we did that for "Generation Kill", too. There's a ton of jargon and slang that makes sense contextually, but when you're listening, trying to get the accents down, and then trying to decipher the jargon into what is and isn't important

I agree, Homicide doesn't get the respect it deserves. There are tons of "Homicide" echoes on "The Wire", too...from the board to the stories told about the street to some of the interrogation scenes.

To be fair, it'd be pretty hard to fight unarmed from horseback in real life, too.

Thing is, this is EXACTLY how I'd expect Baz Luhrman to make this movie; it's like Moulin Rouge with more whiskey and less absinthe, protracted orgies of partying cutting up a romance between a tragically romantic man and an unavailable woman. He's taking the parties - the bleakest parts of the book, where you SHOULD

Look. This... is all a mistake. I'm just a compound interest program. I work at a savings and loan! I can't play these video games! (ERROR: Deresolution Pending)

Agreed. There'd better be a quiet scene of Gatsby on a dock staring at a green light.

I'd totally fuck both Cersei and Melisandre, craziness be damned. Septa Mordane can take their place on the "kill" list...and if we're just doing folks from the show, I'd kill Ros to put her out of her misery (seriously, that poor girl).

These were awesome, and should totally be made into a game. Also, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out www.projectaon.org (it's a repository of all the game books, with instructions and all that. Fun way to kill a few days of boredom).

You know, that could be a hella fun game if they just set it in the Redwall universe. Maybe a LITTLE juvenile, but if done right it could be cool.