Magnakai Haaskivi

Still, though, that first season was pretty awesome...even if it did end up going absolutely nowhere.

It's also worth mentioning that a lot of public libraries let you check stuff out for free. It's sometimes a little behind what a Blockbuster or Netflix will be, but it's free and completely legal. Libraries are too often overlooked as a free source of music and video; back in high school, the majority of my music

Cleveland still has huge, active salt mines under Lake Erie; I'm not sure if there are any under the city itself, however.

If I have the app installed, and it's removed from the app store, is it actually removed from my device? It's not that big, and while I'm not playing Skyrim NOW, I might get back into it in the future; I should probably just leave it on my iPad, no?

This sounds a lot like how "Betrayal at Krondor" was made, except for the fact that "Betrayal at Krondor" was awesome and this sounds like it isn't.

The only good thing about how shitty Diablo III's been so far is that we're not hearing anymore bitching about Mass Effect 3's ending.

I was gonna say, this was just posted like two-three weeks ago.

I'm with the author, I always play a female character. Not sure why, I just like switching it up.

MHaaskivi#1890 is mine..I just started an hour ago, am already up to Level 7 with a demon hunter.

Is there an official "Hey, we all post on Kotaku, we should play Diablo together" list? My real life friends aren't into this and my online friends aren't much better.

I agree 100%...I get playing with people I know, but I never understood playing with random people. Just not my thing, I get that I'm probably in the minority.

I saved Ashley because Kaidan whined too much and I needed a gunner; she was in my squad to fight Saren, in fact. That doesn't mean I TALKED to her, but I definitely kept her around.

Ah, okay, I'd thought Blizzard had a Steam-esque client that needed to be running; glad that's not the case, actually. I'll start on this tonight. Thanks!

Okay, so if I want to buy Diablo III, what's my best bet? I haven't preordered, and would prefer a digital download, but don't have [battle.net] on my computer and have never really done anything with it.

I've been playing through "Mass Effect" on my PC, which happens to be in the same room as my wife's scrapbooking crap. She's following the game via the spoken dialogue, and while she thinks it's funny ("So you're PLAYING a soap opera instead of WATCHING one?"), she seems to actually follow it in the background.

I'm so glad I let him die in ME1.

Is the closest film version to the manic pixie dream girl John Cusack in "Say Anything"?

I stopped the King's Quest series after five (which I barely remember, because I played it so long after it came out because our computer wasn't good enough), but I switched over to QFG pretty easily, and probably preferred that series (although I never found QFG5, and I can never seem to find a good download for it).

Much love for QFG...we need more katta and liontaurs in our fantasy games, I think.

My mom bought a hint book (with the little red "reader" thing that shielded the answers) for King's Quest III and would offer advice on where to look for things out of the blue when I got frustrated. "Oh, I think that that stuff on the tree is the moss you're looking for," or "Maybe just wander around and wait for an