Magnakai Haaskivi

I had similar feelings for the first "Witcher", honestly...for whatever reason I just couldn't get into it. Sometimes, though, it helps to sit down with an RPG a second time; I hated Morrowind the first two times I tried to play it, then finally sat down and something "clicked" and it was all I played for like two or

I just finished the first "Mass Effect" (I know, I'm a bit behind here), and I found the end of the game to be really satisfying. The boss battle with Saren let me talk him into shooting himself, based on a conversation we'd already had about indoctrination...the last fight (against his modified corpse) made sense,

I also managed it exactly one time; I think I boost-jumped off a cliff I was going down and hit just right so I was on my back. Boosting again flipped you over, though, which was kind of a let-down; I was hoping I'd be stuck and have to call Joker to get me.

Basically everything I know about DOS was from having to use it to run Doom, X-Wing, Dark Forces, and Betrayal at Krondor...but once you started adding mods and the like in, that actually turned out to be a lot of DOS.

I love the intro, but I figured it was like Carnivale's intro: Really nice and pretty, but essentially the same week-in and week-out, and it's longish, so I just skipped it. Won't be doing that anymore, though!

I usually watch the show On Demand a few days after it airs, so I fast-forward through the credits and never realized they were tailored specifically to the plotline of the episode.

I just bought my X-Box this December, so I hope it goes on for a little while longer!

Yeah, in each of their games there are MOMENTS, but it never sustains (although ToEE became good eventually, after enough mods and bug fixes were applied by third parties). Arcanum was fascinating, but it was also laggy, messed up, and INCREDIBLY irritating in spots. V:TM-BL (cumbersome title) was very much the same

I always associate Obsidian with Troika, in my mind, and Troika had a habit of producing fantastic ideas with terrible implementation. Arcanum was a good game, but it was buggy and had balance issues; Vampire: Bloodlines was incredibly buggy; and Temple of Elemental Evil should have been great but was - you guessed it

I use my X-Box almost primarily as a Media Extender, Netflix player, and video streaming device; I play most of my games on my PC, and while I play certain games on the X-Box it's just not where I'm most comfortable playing so I tend to defer to the PC. I actually bought the X-Box because it's the easiest way to do

I hated those things.

Came here for this. Well played.

Comic Sans? Did Dan Gilbert write this?

For what it's worth, you can get screwed by the refs in "Football Manager"; I had a legit goal ruled out for offside just this week (replay and the commentary backed that assertion up, it's not just paranoia), and it happens from time to time that a ref will be bias for or against you (more fouls given, more cards to

Also, you can use Tutu to make the game run on a netbook, which is my most recent experience with it (a week of jury duty + my netbook + the images I ripped from my old CDs = about halfway through BG1). You can also play Torment that way, which I had some fun with, and I'd imagine IWD and IWDII are also playable in

Wasn't Antara just Betrayal at Krondor without everything that made Betrayal at Krondor good?

I ran into the sunscreen problem this summer; I go with SPF 50 as a rule, and typically go with Coppertone Water Babies because I'm white like Casper and can get sunburned in the dead of winter off reflecting snow from the sun. My wife went with Coppertone Sport instead of Water Babies, but it was still SPF 50 so I

Also, Carcassonne. Carcassonne is fantastic on iOS.

I considered that, but this has been a running issue over like two or three systems and several years; I have a feeling it's a user error on my end (probably in how I add the cover art?), but I can't find any rhyme or reason to it.

Anyone know why iTunes randomly deletes my cover art? Not ALL of my cover art, mind you, just the occasional song here and there.