Magnakai Haaskivi

Subway drops Phelps and yet they never said shit about Hedberg endorsing them.

I love me some Ginnifer Goodwin. That is all.

@CanHeHackett: Agreed. My feed also did not cut away, but my attention span did. And I'm a Liverpool fan...this was the third awful game between these two in three weeks, I'm just glad it's done.

@sublicon: I think the main difference between his game in Milan and his game here is that he's actually playing like he gives a shit in Milan.


No hatchet? Amateur.

I'm totally late, but I think that I heard yesterday that more people watched Chelsea-Liverpool than the Super Bowl. Those people just don't live in this country.

Wait, is this where I go to talk about Liverpool doing the double on Chelsea? Because if it isn't, I'd like to make a motion that we have a spot for that.

I just stopped believing. Seriously.

@saf5001: No shit. The chocolate's all wrong, the coconut sucks...it's not even close.

Bonus for sales in Northeast Ohio: Samoas are back in, Caramel Delights are kicked the fuck out. I had to go to an underground Girl Scout Cookie network to find me some Samoas last year.

@Rock You Like An Iracane: Don't leave out Cleveland; we've got the owner of a major Premier League team who would probably lobby hard to push money back into Cleveland's economy, and Browns Stadium has done a nice job with soccer games before. Also, Drew Carey is a major, major soccer fan (I'm not making that up) and

@MeSoHornsby: It's sad that we can't do cheddar than this.

Seriously, those people need to Gouda life.

I bet for real baseball managers this game is just "Beane there done that."

They named it Barack? Whould've trunk they would do that?