Magnakai Haaskivi

This is just part of their new branding strategy; wait for HePop WePop IPop YouPop and TheyPop to come out later this week.

What's Fernando Torres doing there?

The ladies will be pleased to know that Kelvin Taylor's dad is Santonio Holmes's second cousin.

I thought he might be biased when his last column was all about how he's stoked to hit Mrs. Ward with a cookie sheet when the Cardinals win.

When reached for comment, Phil Savage's only response was "Go watch soccer-f#@* you-".

@yvanehtnioj: Reports from the game differ with his account of the game rather significantly.

@Samanthrax: Probably not, because if it was a boy's team it wouldn't have been posted here.

@sybann: Nobody's saying that Dallas Academy should get a trophy; they're saying that winning-at-all-costs is maybe not the thing that sports should be teaching athletes in high school.

@RStewie: Professionals will often bring in second and third stringers when a victory is sealed. It's not a guaranteed thing, but it definitely happens; it's partially to protect your first string players from injury, but it's also to get game experience to players who need it. It's certainly not unheard of.

When I was like 14, my soccer coach inadvertently entered us into a "B" level PREMIER tournament instead of a "B" level TRAVEL tournament. We were clearly outclassed; we lost our first game 10-0 and our second game 7-0 (a major victory for us).

@SarahMC: I seem to remember the Patriots taking a fair amount of shit for absolutely demolishing other teams last season. If I remember right, they were going for it on fourth down in the fourth quarter when they were up by forty some points.

@Allison Butz: My basketball may be a little fuzzy, but running a full court press for an entire game against said shitty team isn't usually "appropriate".

My values and my beliefs would not allow me to run up the score on any opponent...

The US men's soccer jersey is really, really awful.

@Pete Gaines: Still haven't done that. Tomorrow afternoon (my wife's "Twilight" viewing is cutting into my "Lost" viewing. That fucking movie keeps pissing me off in new and different ways).

@ClintonPortishead: Drinking fake beer with the NBA is way less fun than drinking real beer with college basketball.