Magnakai Haaskivi

Say what you will about the tenets of fascism, dude, at least it's an ethos.

So W's parting shot was denying Clemens pardon shot? Bush may have a future as a comedy pyramid architect.


@Back to Azian Zero: Wasn't that a plot point in "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle"?

I really have no comment until I hear what Joe Buck has to say on the issue.

@MeSoHornsby: Can you blame him for wanting to Tapp that ass?

I think it was Dan Savage who coined the "Campfire Rule" for relationships with age discrepancies: always leave the site as good as, or better, than you found it. By that estimation, Ms. Tapp sucks at camping.

@CanHeHackett: Don't worry about it; some people teat these pyramids like they're Shakespeare, but I'm not that picky.

This is still way better than that time she had to put the lotion in the basket.



@Drunken_Donuts: I'm pretty sure this was done yesterday, actually. I don't think we're Eddie for another spice pun pyramid.

Wow, he sure knows how to Curry favor with the press.