
The DRZ is kind of a pig. It’s heavy and sluggish. And 5 speed. So it’s a pig and a dog. A pigdog.

Even with “high quality” suspension, if you don’t set it up for your weight and riding style (which most people don’t) you’re not getting any benefit from the higher spec components. And most people won’t even come close to using the full ability of high spec suspension or other components they same way that they


Dude. Aren’t you glad you wrote this? You’re getting paid by word for every comment right?

What is the acceptable appropriate word for a person with violent criminal tendencies and total lack of regard for other humans? The person that chooses to embody and glorify these qualities? That molds there look and lifestyle in this way? If you live a violent life, glorying these traits then it should be no

How do you feel about the word whigga?

All depends on how and where you want to tour. Last year I did 2500 miles in 7 days between Portland and SF, pretty much all back roads zig zagging between the coast and the mountains and back again. Al my gear - tent, sleeping bag, clothes, food, tools, etc in a 70l dry duffle bag strapped to the back. I’ll do the

Big tires and a lift kit.

This is explains the glacier pace of new content.

Lorenzo is not consistent either. When everything thing goes his way he is unbelievably fast and smooth. But he doesn’t seem to be able to adapt to adversity. Anything goes sideways and he drops to 6th.

Huff race gas much?


Bahaha! Nailed it!

Took the words right from my keyboard.

Yeah, it’s click bait.

Except that Stoner beat out both of them for the title. On two different bikes.

Dude. Knock it off with the headlines.

When is this coming out on video?

I actually worked as a baker for a time. A short time. Elbow deep in in your cookies, bread, and donuts.

Must have been the accents. They’ve got some great videos on why the DR650 is the best dirtbike worth watching too.