Well, if Range Rover would stop putting rubber bands on expensive wheels and use real off-road tires like what Jeep puts on Wranglers, they wouldn't have this problem.
Well, if Range Rover would stop putting rubber bands on expensive wheels and use real off-road tires like what Jeep puts on Wranglers, they wouldn't have this problem.
Hence the reason why I think somebody pilfered an algorithm.
I want one but I want it in blue and with wire wheel covers.
No, you really wouldn't.
A 128 GB thumb drive has more than enough memory to be able to build a hash table large enough to cover a "million billion" codes if they are only a few bits large.
And define "a million billion" 'cause I hear that used by kids to describe unfathomable numbers more that I hear engineers talking about it.
It takes a bit for the lock to pop and the lights to come on so it's probably not so much brute force as it is cycling through a series of known codes to broadcast and open the doors.
Well, yeah but in regards to actual military power and determining what is actually aggression and what isn't, he's clearly been brainwashed by the North Korean propaganda machine.
Oh good! At least someone gets it!
I'm just thinking that he's going to lay claim to all the stuff being carted out and block South Korean citizens from heading home and that will be taken as a hostile action. Then South Korea and likely the U.S. will be taking action to free the hostages.
I wonder what "The Littlest Despot" over there in North Korea is thinking of doing about this?
Yes it does.
Longest loan was 60 months (5 years) that's also as long as I'd be willing to go too. Any more than that and you are upside down on the payments 'cause the car depreciates faster than you pay it off. Even at 5 years, you are pushing it. Especially if it's a luxury car you don't intend to keep.
You want me now, don't you?
Homer didn't design the Cayonero.
American Bugatti?
FYI, after looking at some of the other responses, I can see how some of my "Bad Driver Test" posts here may seem stolen. I assure everyone that I was not viewing any other posts and was churning out post after post. Any correlation is purely coincidental. If anybody's feathers are ruffled, my apologies.
What if you had to Scandinavian Flick around a driver 'cause he slammed on his brakes in front of you on an on-ramp for no good reason and you ended up passing him on the right and somehow managed to keep control and somehow ended up back on the road ahead of him and then you flipped him off and then you took off as…
That was classy.
If it snows, and you drive your car with a 2 foot square hole cleared in front of the driver...you might be a bad driver.