
If you've ever gotten your super car stuck halfway out of a parking garage exit in Paris...you might be a bad driver.

If you've ever brake-checked a bus on the Atlantic City Expressway 'cause the insurance payout would approach 7 figures...you might be a bad driver.

If your car has ever been hit by a train...you might be a bad driver.

If you've ever driven around a railroad crossing gate...you might be a bad driver.

If you've ever made a U-Turn in the middle of Market Street in Philly...you might be a bad driver.

If anyone has ever told you that the stops signs with white borders are optional and you BELIEVED THEM...you might be a bad driver.

If you think speed limits are a suggestion...you might be a bad driver.

If you have ever stopped in a traffic circle (roundabout in Limey speak) to make your turn instead of just continuing around the circle again...you might be a bad driver.

If you've ever stopped at the end of an on-ramp...you might be a bad driver.

If you've ever used the shoulder of the road to avoid a traffic jam...you might be a bad driver.

If you've ever been pulled over by a highway patrolman and stopped on the median side...you might be a bad driver.

If you have a windshield banner that covers half your windshield and a spoiler that blocks half the view out the back...you might be a bad driver.

If anyone has ever referred to your ride as "The James Bond Car" 'cause of the oil slicks and smoke screens it emits...you might be a bad driver.

If you think "reckless driving" is a good thing 'cause you didn't have a wreck...you might be a bad driver.

If you ever told a cop that it "Wasn't careless driving! You care you didn't hit those mailboxes!"...you might be a bad driver.

If you've ever fought a ticket that said "criminally speeding"...you might be a bad driver.

If people would rather take the bus home than bum a ride off of you after a late night party...you might be a bad driver.

If people refuse to ride with you and blame your "sports car" but you drive a Hyundai Tiboron...you might be a bad driver.

If you didn't even know your car came with an owner's manual...you might be a bad driver.

If the other parents frequently offer to take your "shift" for the school car pool...you might be a bad driver.