Good form.
Good form.
Doug Jones won.
Congratulations Alabama!
Holy shit. It was not fun watching Roy Moore hold a lead for the entire night. Though it was satisfying to have it reverse with less than 10% of precincts left. Huzzah for meeting some basic level of human decency in Alabama.
I don’t get the hype behind this movie - The book was bad - Like real bad. I’ll admit I liked about the first 1/4th of it, there felt like there was some real development going on and interesting plots being built up trying to find the first key. . .But after that point?. . .It all fell to shit.
Yea, the book was terrible. It was possibly the worst written thing I’ve ever picked up. I’m a Middle School teacher, and I’d be hard pressed to find STUDENTS who wrote that poorly. The ideas in the book weren’t bad though, even if the Nostalgia was was in your face and excessive.
Going into this with a HUGE grain of salt, after the glowing reviews came out for TFA and then seeing just how boring and derivative it was. It is almost as if people want to and encourage hollow spectacle with weak plot, atrocious writing, and poor character development.
“The First Impressions for _______ ______ Are Overwhlemingly Good”.
Sir there is no place for cursing on media reports. Yes you have freedom of speech however if you can’t get you point across without cursing then it’s a sad day for journalism.
1) Boogie Nights (though it’s better when you’re 18)
On the one hand: PT Anderson directing Daniel Day Lewis. That should have me right there.
Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free…
Uhhhh what does this have to do with Trump?
That’s all I needed to know, not even gonna watch the trailer, I’m out.
World looked interesting, was garbage. Fool me once...
You’re assuming South Korea will still be on the map in a couple months...
Is there any worse place to be hungover than IKEA?
honestly, i’m underwhelmed. i was expecting his order to be much bigger than that.
The Angles
It’s a crime to lie about it to the FBI and Congressional committees, and to ask the head of the FBI to drop the investigation, then fire him when he doesn’t.
Who better to stop meth heads than a woman who looks like Tomi Lahren on meth?