I’ve fucking had it up to here with all the people looking around incredulously, pretending to be stupefied that the word “Pocahontas” is now somehow off-limits. It’s not the word itself, you nitwits, and you damn well know it.
I’ve fucking had it up to here with all the people looking around incredulously, pretending to be stupefied that the word “Pocahontas” is now somehow off-limits. It’s not the word itself, you nitwits, and you damn well know it.
Amber Ruffin on “Amber Says What” is a goddamn delight.
Well this is certainly one way to look at it.
I really, really hope not. I’m still holding out for my Harris/Duckworth ticket.
“Basket of deplorables” was objectively the correct description...but still the wrong thing to say in public while on the campaign trail. Signed, Massive Hillary Fan
1. I am not surprised by this at all. The lyrics to Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis are all the information I’ve ever needed from Jesse Lacey.
So +1 point for ‘fessing up and minus several million for being a sick asshole.
It’s gotten to the point that anyone could write his diatribes.
I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.
I hope all the “good guys” out there are paying attention. This is the shit that women have to deal with or worry about in every workplace where men are present - all while making less than these predators.
Ending a show starring a man outed for raping a 14 year old (who didn’t even deny the claims and deflected by coming out) seems pretty fucking reasonable to me. A lot of the allegations against Cosby, Weinstein, Polanski, and Allen are decades old too. We ignoring those as well?
Oh, is there a Trump Hotel in Times Square?
Here is a [public] Facebook status that has a decent primer. (Not a short post, mind you.)
Is 2017 the year we find out everybody is a real piece of shit?
Yeah, the only lesson guys like this seem to be learning is “Broads at work can really fuck your whole shit up, so just stay away from them.” They haven’t internalized the idea that it was Weinstein and his fellow scumbags’ own actions that put them in this situation, not the whistle-blowing by the female victims.
But that’s it though. They’re not all making extra efforts to be respectful to women. A lot of the ones mentioned in the article are just alienating women in the work place by straight up canceling meetings and mentoring sessions out of fear. When all they really have to do is just fucking treat/talk to female…
The Measure were good. Worriers is good. Listen to both and be fulfilled. That is all.
I feel like the sports world would be better off drained of this type of toxic male faux-masculinity.
Honestly, me actually find it satisfying that you being such a horrible person is going to prevent you from enjoying what shaping up to be a terrific show. Some with such toxic, hateful point of view not deserve nice things.