
Nope, I still feel bad for them. Nothing deserves to suffocate to death on a highway, even terror-mouthed slime-nightmares.

Yes, right wingers are going after any woman who doesn’t look fem enough and saying they are trans. You can find videos of cis women being escorted out of restrooms by police. It happens in certain states. Oh, pro tip, no ed on the end. “Transgender” 😉

Police: “Freeze!”

I have had a foster dog for 3 years. He can’t leave, and I can’t formally adopt him yet because of his behavioral issues. He was gentle and friendly in the shelter— because he’s an extremely sensitive dog, and when you separate him from me, he shuts right down. The rescue and I have worked with 3 dog trainers, and

Sorry but this story is shit-stirring and mean.

Wow, he was so young. I’ve never seen this show, but I just looked him up and one of the first news stories that came up from before today was an interview where Ellis criticized a former co-star for quitting because that actor didn’t want to play a gay character. That’s a stand up thing to do.

I wish people would stop giving this advice. Not everyone should have a gun. For example, I have a history of depression and anxiety (including some self-harm), and I don’t make snap decisions well. Yet I’ve been told I should start carrying a gun literally anytime I’ve talked about the joy of traveling alone, the

i was born a black woman in america and i wouldn’t use the phrase “loving and welcoming” to describe it (at least regarding certain demographics). my own personal opinion.

I am so, so sorry. I’m crying right now, for Nabra, for you and your sister, for your father, for everyone. I was going to say I hate what is happening to this country, but sadly this evil has always been here. I hate that we’ve been traveling down this awful road from the beginning, and we can’t seem to turn off of

I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.

Weird, but it helped: I recycled all my ill-fitting, torn, or uncomfortable yoga pants and replaced them with all identical pairs of my favorite style in the correct size. Now every time I reach into my “cozies drawer” I know I will pull out my favorite pair, because that’s all there is!

Brag thread to make myself feel better about sitting on the couch all damn day.

Since she’s a critic she’d have to attend opening night, which, at a large theater like Steppenwolf, is going to be sold out.

There are these things called “tickets” which people can buy, you know. At worst, the Chicago Sun Times will have to resort to her purchasing them off StubHub. Quelle horreur!

I am so tired of this idiotic most violence affecting the black community comes from black communitynon-argument from disingenuous racists. The vast majority of ALL violence is intra-racial; that statistic is utterly meaningless because it applies to virtually everyone, everywhere. Most violence affecting the white

Actually, no, they don’t have to anymore. The protocol has changed a few years back. Now, many still do out of respect but it’s not a must anymore. you can also wear one and not look like your going to a costume ball as an Italian widow.

In the top pic, she looks like the mayoral candidates who come to our mosque wearing a table cloth over their head because someone in their staff thought they had to.

Fuck, I hope none of the guy’s family reads this. How pissed would you be if someone you were close to died, and then a random chick who hardly knew him wrote about it on the internet. This man had a whole life, likely full of people who cared about him who actually struggled with his passing, and she’s reduced it to