
Elementary school principal named Dick Harry in a nearby town. He coulda just gone by Rich but he did not.

That looks like an amazing night! And TY to Boston—it felt really good to see that at the end of this week. Cheers (wine clink) (cheese clunk) (ear rubbies for dogs)

He totally does this, and that is the nail in the coffin for me ever using this emoji without gagging 🤗

Bedazzle the tampon string! Problem solved!

Based on an actual scared turtle that I held yesterday they hiss at you from the safety of their shells. Apt.

I hear you. I got a list of all the businesses Trump invests in and there is just no way to avoid them. In general the business is doing a good thing I will buy that thing (exception if the business is owned by a known asshole like Jenna my Johns.) We need more strong female leads in movies. My kid took great messages

I wasn’t until this sport. Now if I’m watching a close football game I have to take a 10 minute stress nap in the middle like a fainting goat. I might be a tiny bit narcoleptic. Anyway! A lot of leagues also have options to skate at different levels-rec leagues, home leagues, travel leagues, etc. so if you are near a

Go to a bout and try a camp! You’ll know if it’s right for you if you leave wanting more & fearing less :) I played for 7 years—major commitment but it can be an amazing experience with the right league. Getting hit is ok once you know how to counter block (and fall safely).

Yes, this. Obviously sexism is also a contributing factor (not taking women’s complaints and concerns as seriously etc.) but more experiments used to be done on women before shit hit the fan with drugs severely interfering with fetal development. Ultimately it’s a shitty excuse because the drugs are still given to

I want this to turn into an armless life-lesson guy scenario a la Arrested Development. AND THATS WHY YOU DONT BLOCK MOVING CARS. (sorry if this doesn’t make sense as written, I am on two days of no sleep for some reason.)

First knives club

It’s even better. Their slime expands and instantly clogs the gills and mouths of their would-be predators!!

Yup! My kid actually told me at the age of 6 that she wasn’t “that into” Star Wars because “there were almost no girls in it.” Unprompted. Meanwhile I’m voting with my wallet and buying the shit outta Wonder Woman Everything.

This. I agree that a lot of people adopt pets irresponsibly. I agree that the trainer stating/strongly implying (assuming the quotes published were representative of his overall message) that a rescue dog will inevitably have a full & negative personality about-face 6 months post-adoption is an irresponsible

Haha-thanks!! I have a very tough love approach to plant care (long periods of neglect with occasional pruning/watering/reporting when I suddenly remember it/am procrastinating on a different project.) plants that don’t like my style/my window light & temp don’t make it and I don’t get that kind again. These are the

Sounds awesome as-is! Would a few dinosaurs tie it all together?

Yay! I also wrote a little jingle that I sing quietly to myself when I pass greenhouses: “Oh you can’t have all the plaaaaants, because you only have one windowwwww.” Have I done this in public? Yes, yes I have.

1) Your dog is ridiculously cute.

Yes. “Why get upset about people who murder strangers when most crimes are committed by someone known to the victim?” 😐