
Thanks! All I’ve been able to find is an online booking form & no actual agent name or address, but I’ll try that. Thanks for the encouragement!!

Hey Jezzies! I have a problem I’m hoping someone can help with. I have a good friend who is having a really tough year. As a kid he didn’t have a whole lot and his absolute prized possession was a photo of himself and Kim Fields (he crushed on her as Tootie from Facts of Life.) He was at the zoo and saw her and she

The picture you’re responding to is a preying mantis (not sure if that’s what you meant) :) People can use “locust” to mean grasshoppers, cicadas, and sometimes other equally unrelated insects get lumped in there too. But the locust swarms that devour crops would be grasshoppers. MORE IMPORTANTLY WHY DONT I HAVE A

Small point as it doesn’t negate the logic of the article, but pretty sure telomere shortening is the medical concern (places limits on maximum # of cell divisions.) Telomere lengthening is a means of extending cell culture longevity and possibly, theoretically, life.

Because nothin empowers women like comparing their bodies to jazzy, mass-manufactured plastics.

Might be a little chemtrails if me but I also wonder if celebs just out and out fake the date and “have the baby” like two weeks after they legit give birth just to buy themselves a head start. Seems like that’d be doable.

I agree that Alpacas >>> llamas for overall friendliness. And less spitting.

My favorite signs from Milwaukee were:

Can we mix JRR in too? Because fossil fuels are clearly the Balrog.

I also love how this future scenario skips to us having “curved spine” adaptations for our desperately sad underground life while skipping over the “selection” part in which everyone that had functional, actually-able-to-support-our-bodies-without-pain spines died (or was left unable to reproduce.)

Comet Jacuzzi & Bellybutton Fury

I’m with this—a good parent may go to extraordinary lengths to protect the well-being of their kid, but that is not this. Kidnapping a newborn because you just have to have one (if that’s what this was) is acting on a selfish impulse and/or significant mental illness such that you believe stealing a baby is good for

Not a Brussels, allegedly a shihtzu but she’s...odd :)

I read the word “kush-ass” in the headline

She emotes heavily out of her one eye!

I miss my grey!!❤❤rub those ears for me!