
2 women in 60 years. 0 black women. Not sure how many black men. When does the “gradual process” start?

They giggle when you tickle them! I <3 rats!

The correction in that post is the best.

“I’m interested in criticism based on fact, not on projections,”

Wow I want to be friends with this woman. So much rage backed by peer review!

I veg. I’m special that way:/

Wasn’t she born into it though? I give more leeway to those people because leaving means losing their family. Maybe she’s a non-believer.

Ah, so it’s Hillary’s fault? She was running a presidential campaign against an obnoxious orange turd and his horde of misogynistic followers, but somehow should’ve found the time to police her aide’s husband’s texting habits?

And we’ve already found a way to blame some women for an adult man’s actions. Fantastic.

Can’t make a white bread sandwich with one slice.

Never, EVER forget that the most important thing you can be as a woman is beautiful.

I look forward to the day when I’m not considered less-than simply because of the viscous gooey residue preventing my cap from fully closing.

Crowdfunding idea: Soap/shampoo/conditioner/whatever other unnecessary things odd people use, with bottles shaped like Tetris pieces so they stack.

All the bottles are still white, tho.

your feet get bigger because the processes that allow your pelvis to move apart- relaxes all kinds of tendons and connective tissue. So your feet spread.

I think pleasing anyone implies a certain strain of altruism that his whole clan seems to lack.

Howard Stern was right, the only thing Trump wants is to be liked. And it makes him SO mad that he can’t please everyone all the time. It’s why he’s still campaigning months after winning and years before he needs to campaign again.

Yep. trump never thought past the election. Winning the popularity contest was his only goal.

There’s a reason why conservatives rant about liberal snowflakes: