
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Nope.

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

At my local protest there was little girl with a sign that said “Keep Calm and Curie On.” It was adorable!

I’m going to i’m going to call myself a “energy evangelical.” God put the sun and wind on the top of the earth, where it’s free for all and easy to get, and hid all the oil way down deep under the earth where we weren’t supposed to find it. Yup. Also I am “pro life” and believe we should support all life through

They know what they’re doing. This is the old school equivalent of a Reddit shitposting army. If you know that any post you make on a given topic is immediately going to be swarmed by 50,000 Trump-Nazi-Pepe memes, you’re not going to post it. And if you know a term you used to unite people has become so loaded down

Morlock lyfe!!! H.G. Wells was a Prophet!

But not enough to you know, let those Syrian children come to the United States to escape chemical warfare.

If men can pass a law about what women can do with their bodies, can women pass a law about what men can do with their mouths?

Hey there Nibz! Nice to see you again, almost didn’t recognize you without a cat attached.

This is my dog Jax watching TV like a bausss

Awwww, rats! Big Foot has rats- and now she has baby rats. There are also sugar gliders and frogs in her room. We live in the weirdest zoo ever.

This is Milo- daughter of Sadie (my middle dog) and Scrappy (Big Foot’s dog) He missed his appointment with the vet because of some emergency or another, Sadie’s heat cycle never is apparent and ta dahhh... He has been rescheduled.

Oh she looks like a sea otter!

Okay that top shot is the best picture ever.

Golden Girl gif party!