
4th Gear: Bloomberg makes a great argument. Why would we not want to take advantage of this technology to assist the ever growing segment of senior citizens.

Anecdotal evidence has proven that increased independence, say the ability to go somewhere without depending on a loved one’s schedule, greatly affects quality

Uwe, I think that having a mindset that “We’re not at war” is great. Instead of focusing on “flagships” like cell phones, Cadillac is simply striving to become better at what it’s always been: pure luxury.

How has this mindset helped the Cadillac team approach their work?

Thank you for not blaming the customer. THANK YOU!

There is zero reason someone should not expect competent service from a quick lube. Most quick lubes provide a valuable service and deliver great quality. These people saying “It serves him right” have lost touch with the reality most of the motoring public deals
