
Worst car ever literally easier to poor gasoline on your savings after a bank withdrawl and light it up. Get out now while you can.

I guess if you have cable from none if the top 3 you can get it? Maybe if i move to bumfuckastan

Nope they ruined IMSA because they can’t get enuff money from adverts to rule the globe. Purposely working against their customer. Luckily sporting factions are starting to realize exclusivity deals with them can be highly detramental.

Ok so less sandwhich idiocy more actual articles?

Seeing how its nearly impossible to watch races my guess is things will really go down hill from here. For me first year i didnt go to local race which use to be am lemans, fuck imsa and all it’s trolling staff.

Unfortunately nascar and its little companies keep us racing down. They purposefully aim to stiffle it. Until this greedy monoply is stopped things will remain the same. It’s not americans dont like gt racing its americans aren’t willing to make a second job just to be able to view watch and keep up with the sport.

Maybe a positive note is this can help people understand the dangers of cycling on dangerous roads and the need for licensing tests and training for cyclists. People laugj but you are on the road with cars and a bike requires a more skilled person as you speed up and slow down at a much worse rate than a car.

Better than self righteous twat notes left on peoples cars by twat oregonians.

Looks like a real pos to crash in that manner

So they have people to show up and ask about attitude instead of using resources to fix the problem?

Helping me out with my recent health problems makes me feel like a kid again but my mom is the best simply put.

If ginassi was smart theyd force ford to contract the program for multiple years so we know it doesnt end up a 2 yeat pr stunt, we saw how much that did for the viper.

Totally agree, people seem to forget the ford gt40 won lemans overall, not the gt class.

Thats a great photo.

Get to your eye dr immediately.

Id like to hear what mr lehto says but i doubt anyone is successfully voiding your warranty claims for track use.

Prob burn oil like a ferrari :)

What an overstatement in the article title, bathurst was so much better this year and last year and the one before that.

Sorry to be off topic

Idiots, totally deserved.