
A dodge charger? No fucking thanks.

Capitalism baby, free market baby

Totally a mistake and not at all to do with greed, cost cutting or delivering an inferior product.

yeah I could see on the tv there is 1) no run out room 2) a cement wall right on the edge of the circuit at a funny angle

What happened with the alpine, man that is so messed up

fuck that country

did MS never win champion of champions?

mcnish took a lot of silly risks

Did you not read the video was speed up 4.5 times and was all clever post production.

he is the best, he could have won lemans 4-5 more times if it wasnt for bad teamate / car luck.

this guy is so full shit.

chaparral = cool

how do i know when to shuffle steer? Im just a track day guy, but still not sure correct hand procdure when car breaks loose.

bagaels and donuts at the place in marina right past taco bell is theeeeeeeeee best. Lived out there for one year, when i'm able to attend races at laguna i stop amd get min dozens each. Tha bagaels frozen take a crap of anything i can get at gome

you need to visit the bagael / donut shop in marina by chase just past taco bell, its amazing and cheap. Give the workers some more biz!

they had a big display at laguna seca as maserati celebrates as thr marque car.

dang was gonna send this to a few friends from my cell but you didn't take the time to embed properly, #wasted5minutes

dont think anyone would stage that or screw it up so badly.

I was hoping you could keep redline at 7k+ for auditory purposes.