I wish people would drop the charade of calling this thing a “Toyota” or a “Supra.” It’s an ugly Z4 coupe.
I wish people would drop the charade of calling this thing a “Toyota” or a “Supra.” It’s an ugly Z4 coupe.
Eh, who cares honestly? No jalop’s will ever even consider purchasing one, they’ll just complain endlessly about the power, weight, and price.
That’s new Corvette money, and class distinctions and snobbery aside, there’s no question which one is more fun.
Cars have gotten so expensive these days. They’re supposed to be utilitarian work vehicles, what a ripoff.
I do not understand who the market is for this. Near-sighted orthodontists maybe? They love all the busyness all up in that grill, but they can’t see the rest of it is butt.
First thing I thought was how poor it sounded. Also, I agree with the V6 idea.
I’ll do it. I’ll be That Guy™ .
Daytona is like a Corvette kit car?
It’s his own fault. If he lived in the US, he wouldn’t have had health insurance so he couldn’t have had surgery. Problem solved.
There will be no “homologation”, there will be no street cars. This is effectively like IMSA DPI, prototypes with “brand identity” integrated into the design. Companies can make road cars similar, but they won’t be the race cars turned road cars.
Maybe if they made a decent fucking car, they wouldn’t be tired of “hearing our shit.” Honestly, the nerve of this guy.
I didn’t want to mistake head trauma for schizophrenia. That’s why I said “nicest way possible”. Having Torch be a stalker might be nice for a while...fix up some cars and stuff, but he could only be a second away from “It puts the lotion in the basket”.
Quick answer....and I mean this in the nicest possible way.
I’ll take a brodozer over this any day. A brodozer will get me to work and back, this won’t.
Stanced cars are the face tattoo of the motoring world.
This negates one of the main reasons for getting a Supra: It’s Japanese and made by Toyota, which means rock-solid reliability and longevity with minimal cost, which is not something BMWs are know for.
Hoping for Nissan to do anything is unfortunately a pipe dream.
No matter how many articles you write on it, I have a prediction: this will be a huge flop. The just didn’t do enough right to make it live up to the old one, and that is sad. It was so simple...