
Wow, so much racism here. As a Caucasian male, I can say that white people do a lot of shitty driving too. I frequently see people of ALL races and ages moving from the farthest lane on the left to the farthest lane on the right, cutting off a few cars and almost hitting a median to boot, to get where they are trying

I know this is only tangental to the discussion at hand, but I like how the VQ sounds.

You seem upset. Do you need to tock about it?

where is the lie? Some people can handle that power responsibly, MOST people cannot.

Pros for CTS-V over Camaro:

You have absolutely no room to criticize.

Boom. Thank you! These goals would be totally achievable if it weren’t for Elon spewing out promises when they haven’t even delivered on the last 3. They’re forced to rush everything out the door to make targets and even when delayed, the quality still suffers. You have to give the established OEMs credit, the amount

I know right?

One can only imagine how a 14 year girl can afford racing and private race car instructors and time on a private track....she must have really worked hard selling lemonade.

You must have missed the part where the white supremacists were A. Actual Nazis, an organization that exterminated millions of people, and B. The only people to leave Charlottesville with an actual body count.

Go fuck yourself.

We don’t even understand the human brain, I don’t think we are anywhere close to replicating it.

I am a scientist and I have worked with many other scientists as well as a lot of engineers. Based on this long experience, I must disagree with your blanket character assessment. I have found most of my colleagues a pleasure to work with, and the engineers especially so.

I’m by no mean anti-Musk, but I’m not quite as taken with his genius as most. If his company can pull a truly mass production vehicle out of their ass like he’s proposing on the first try, and it’s not a total fucking nightmare when it comes to reliability and availability, I’ll be 100% convinced Musk is what he’s

Guys, we get it, you don’t like this taxi company.

We get it, you’re a Trump supporter mad that they are coming for your “commander in chief”. Calm down.

Are you literally more mad at Jalopnik than the president who got that veteran killed?

Are you our first North Korean paid commentator? Welcome KimBot! We look forward to more of your humorous ranting.

RIght. So the South Koreans, not wanting any kind of normalcy next to a nation with nucs, decides to assassinate a dictator’s half brother for the lulz. Are you with Info Wars or some 9/11 group?

But those things that were replace many times over will need replacement again. Even more, things that were never meant to be replaced will start giving up now and those are usually the parts most expensive to buy.