Jeremy Alexander

Fuck him, fuck the national anthem, and fuck the flag. Patriotism and Nationalism are mental illnesses, not something to wear as a badge of pride. This guy is just crazy.

It has nothing to do with convenience. It’s about not helping an inferior competitor to the detriment of the better service I use and putting my games catalogue at risk. I have zero reason to buy anything from the Epic Store other than to play games a little earlier and I don’t care about that. I’m patient and I’ve

It’s not that people want to save fingerclicks and it isn’t that people are Steam fanboy’s. Being a fanboy of a game retailer would be fucking retarded. It’s that people have dozens, hundreds or even thousands of games on Steam. If Steam goes bye bye, those games go bye bye and there’s nothing that Epic is offering to

I can still get the game on Steam or GOG, I just have to wait. The part dumb shits like you don’t understand is that I have no interest in helping Steams competitors and it has nothing to do with being a fan of Steam. I’m a fan of the nearly 900 games I own on Steam and of the nearly 500 classic games and indie titles

The extreme hate towards these devs is ridiculous, but in this situation the damage was completely self inflicted by the game’s creator posting an idiotic announcement that almost wanted to rub it in people’s faces. I’ll never purchase anything on the Epic store because I have no reason to. The Epic store is shit, the

Meh, this just seems like d-bag on d-bag action. Ferrari is an overpriced hunk of metal. It’s a car to get you from point a to point b. Only a sucker would pay 20 times as much for a tool to do the same think as something that costs 15,000.

A Wolfenstein Youngblood review and you don’t once mention the microtransactions? I guess that scratches Kotaku off as a legit source for game reviews. Into the bin with IGN you go.

Mojang is a joke and they’re making a terrible mistake not creating a true Minecraft 2. Minecraft Dungeons should be just a part of a Minecraft sequel. Instead every year Mojang puts out updates that are a fraction of the size of what lone modders put out on a weekly basis in their spare time.

The programmers at Mojang are a joke. Only 8 people working on it for a few years? Oh, poor babies. Yet somehow modders release better looking textures, shaders, and lighting packs on a weekly basis working by themselves in their spare time. How is it possible that a company worth many billions of dollars can’t do

And the herd successfully thins again.

To be fair, I watched Mitch Trubisky make almost that same exact play last year and it turned into a touchdown.

Cats are the Chevy Chase animals of the natural world. We all want to pretend there’s something redeeming there, but at the end of the day it’s just some asshole that needs to be put down. Dogs FTW.

Bethesda is an absolute trainwreck of a company and they seem to be the only ones not in on the joke. I’ve never seen a company blow so much goodwill in such a short amount of time. They went from the good guys of the industry to “let’s try to out EA the dickheads at EA”, in just a few months. The Bethesda that made

Why would they apologize, the guy’s an asshole.

First of all, how is “e-girl” insulting. Second, let’s not pretend there aren’t girl gamers that are shit gamers that get views by showing skin. There’s nothing wrong with that, but pretending it doesn’t exist is stupid beyond words. Third, how about the good old fashioned concept of ignoring people? You don’t have to

You write about videogames for a living and you’ve just now made this major discovery? You might not be working in the right field. All I’m saying is consider some options because that’s shocking af to me.

Here comes the judge. Marriages end for a lot of reasons and there’s nothing wrong with leaving a bad relationship. There’s nothing wrong with not getting married in the first place. Judging someone’s character by it is dumb.

But he’s so edgy. He used the F-word in his article. Surely that must count for something.

Everything else he does enriches my life and it’s probably meant to just be humorous and to get people to think about science in ways they normally wouldn’t. You, on the other hand, are a fucking nobody that couldn’t do better in life than tell someone with more knowledge about everything than you’ll ever have about

The best way to eat a steak is to sear it in a hot pan, cast iron is nice but any will do. Once it’s seared on one side, flip it and immediately put it in a 500 degree oven. It doesn’t have to cook for very long, time depends greatly on your stove you just have to experiment, for rare. The best way to check is to just