Jeremy Alexander

“Sheilla Dingus”? Ouch, that must have been rough growing up. The Packers are doing well financially with a model based on democratic socialism, as is the entire NFL, it should be a wake up call for the rest of our nation. Bill Maher wrote a great article based on that a few years back.

I wish they’d spend more time on quality design that dumb shit like this. Easter eggs are a waste of time, and sometimes immersion breaking. It isn’t clever, it’s tired.

Running out of them? They’re popping up all over the place. Even in places where we thought dictatorships and the moron fucks that worship them went extinct. Wait until the full results of global warming hit and 10 billion people are fighting over resources enough for 300 million. We’ll see things that would have made

Generation Outrage in full effect. Urrrrghhh, my Tom Cruise navy combat movie isn’t 100% realistic and I’m going to write about why even though I’m a pencil neck little cunt that wouldn’t enlist and knows fuck all about anything related to this beyond what other nerds are whinging about. Snarrrrrrffffffff. Get fucked.

Because it’s a totally different engine, and a totally different company.

Who cares if it was during the Amazon boycott? Does anyone with a brain think a bunch of Twitch streamers not doing videos for a few hours will do anything to help the workers of Amazon? He has a job to do and that doesn’t include catering to every little protest people do to make themselves feel important. If you

I hate all of you. Why are you speculating on who this guy is? You know fuck all about it other than what the news is reporting. Why don’t people just wait for the information. You’re actually arguing with each other when nobody knows what the fuck is going on. How fucking stupid do you have to be to do that? All of

It looks like a used tampon with wings and it’s one of the most useless weapons ever invented. The only enemies it would be necessary for would be Russia and China and a full out war between them, or the US and either/or both would be over in 24 hours with most of this equipment being vaporized or rendered useless by

2 dollars PER bomber and that’s one piece of military equipment. All of this to make weapons we’ll never use in a potential war where it won’t matter anyway because the only enemies we need them for have nuclear arsenals and all of this expensive bs will be vaporized in seconds. Third world countries milk their

There is no alien tech there, they design advanced tech and aircraft. I love this though. It’s the ultimate herd thinner. Anyone dumb enough to participate in this gets removed from the gene pool. It’s perfect and I hope they make a point to use deadly force to discourage this type of stupidity in the future. If you

I hate you, I’ve spent at least a couple minutes turning my desk fan on my screen because I thought there was a stubborn fly. Then I read your username :)

Some people take customer service too far. I have no problem kicking rude people out of my restaurant. I lost a lot of money for banning a local corporate bigwig. She would come in with clients and spend a lot of money, and that’s fine for me, but she treated my staff like garbage and never tipped so most of the money

I own a restaurant and I play 80's and 90's music. Everything from Prince to Sade and I just burn CD’s from my own collection. I’m not paying anyone for it and we’ve been doing it for years and nobodies cared. I think that someone had a personal issue or bad experience at the bar and decided to be petty.

Another example of not being able to create new stories for new characters. If this isn’t satire, it’s going to absolutely flop. This story has to be fake.

I didn’t even know this lunatic was still playing. Thing is, maybe his father was a vampire and he just saved untold numbers of future victims. I like to have all the facts before I decide.

Fallout 76 has genuinely improvement light years over it’s initial release and Nuclear Winter is now easily my second favorite BR mode after PUBG. The community really is fantastic and if you want to just troll, there’s always survival mode.

Oh my

This guy has to have some serious mental issues. The human brain is capable of amazing feats of learning and adaptation and yet this titwaffle just keeps doing the same dumb things year after year no matter what it costs him. The dude needs help and he needs to stop stealing paychecks in the NBA.

This is a really accurate list imho. I would have put Napoleon dead last, Rome 2 above that, and Britannia above that just because Britannia works and I had a decent, but short, time with it. Napoleon was terribly designed and Rome 2 is still fundamentally broken and poorly designed.

I tried playing Rome 2 about a week ago and my first battle went like this. I had a very small army in a city I had captured a couple turns ago. I was surprised when a large Etruscan army showed up out of nowhere and attacked by land and sea. Instead of a coordinated attack the small land force sent it’s cavalry into