Jeremy Alexander

How the games always should have been. I can’t stand third person games. Hopefully they get the combat sorted.

Read it all and I still don’t care.

I actually like this. It shows just how desperate they are. If I’m asking them questions then something obvious comes to mind. If those mechanics aren’t gambling then why did they change them to conform to gambling oversight laws in other countries. If they aren’t gambling then they shouldn’t have had to change

Generation Outrage is clueless. Did you expect anything else?

I love how every moron thinks everyone that lives in NYC is rich. There are only around 16 thousand people in the United States that make millions of dollars out of nealy 350 million. The city of New York has a mtero area pop of almost 20 million on it’s own. Even if every single mutlimillionaire lived in NYC, they’d

I got tricked into one of these by an ad for a warehouse manager job when I was a senior in high school. It was total bullshit, but the idea that somehow women were a target is absolute nonsense. There was one woman in the whole company and she was one of the people at the top as part of the scheme. This is more lies

Your hero is some wealthy nobody that altered a piece of shit, overpriced car into something slightly different? You’re a moron.

Still have the disks. Hope they work!

Who cares? She’s a second rate R&B singer from a 3rd rate pop R&B group. Somebody has to explain the appeal. She’s not a nice person and her music is mediocre at best. She’s no fucking star. She’s Cher 2.0. Not one single song of her’s will be remembered in a decade or two unless it’s a joke. Like the way we listen to

Mozart? ROFL! Mozart was an alcoholic manchild that sent people fart jokes and died at 35. What the fuck are you even talking about?

That’s because you’re as dumb as he is. If you had actually read the article, you’d realize he doesn’t like the idea at all. It was sarcasm, you alt-right inbred. Conservatives must have an IQ limit as part of their admission’s requirements. Nobody over 30 IQ can ride this ride.

And this is where we explain sarcasm to the retarded, conservative, inbred Trump supporter. If you had actually read the article you would know that he was being sarcastic, you complete moron.

That’s fucking retarded. I was 16 once and I would have understood how awful this idea is even at that age. When paychecks start moving around you blame everyone involved.

They better get serious financial compensation for this or someone needs to punch that little twerp in his already fucked up teeth. How are shows like this even legal.

God this makes me miss the Italian mafia.

I’d love for you to guide me to the fantasy land where what journalists write isn’t biased. It’s not even possible for human beings to be unbiased. You can be uninterested, you can just plain not care, but you always have bias. You wouldn’t tell a female journalist or a journalist of color to not write in a way that

The entire NBA Finals broadcast crew needs to go. They aren’t fun, they’re not intelligent, and they make so many mistakes during the game I wonder if they’re even watching it. It’s not just Jackson either, VanGundy and the other guy are borefests as well. And the lady that does the sideline reporting brings all the

What a freakshow.

Do you ever feel like a loser for this being your career? You should if you don’t. I don’t even get the point of the article. You’re mocking vapid celebrity articles by writing a vapid and stupid article about them? Is the irony of that lost on you?

Gone and soon to be forgotten. He’s a moron and the 3.5 million that watch him are trailer trash and losers.