Jeremy Alexander

There’s nothing “complicated” about it. Nowhere in the laws of the universe does it say that things must be inoffensive to everyone. People aren’t required to respect everyone, people aren’t required to be neutral on every aspect of life to avoid offending someone. That’s leads to a world just as scary as any other

I always swore to myself as I got older I wouldn’t give into stereotyping generations of people younger or older than me, but jesus on a fucking tire swing I’m so sick and tired of generation outrage. I see now how a d-bag like Trump gets elected and I understand more clearly the anti-pc culture movement. It’s an

I totally agree and can confirm that it is now indeed a fun game. I’d give it a 1 at release brought down to a zero for technical issues. Now I’d give it a solid 7 and that skyrockets if human npcs are done properly and the story keeps getting the kind of content updates it’s been getting this year. It’s also my go-to

It’s always been a mostly Austin studio project. They’re meant to oversee it as the rest of the company moves on to Starfield, but it was developed by the entire company and headed by Howard.

What a dumb article. First of all, the dark comedy aspect to Fallout has been in since the first, though it really took off in Fallout 2, long before Bethesda ever touched it. Second, this wasn’t some cynical late addition to boost sales, it was announced, along with wastelanders as part of year one almost since the

Or he was hurt, wasn’t a 100% and was a hell of a lot smarter than Durant not to go back out there and risk career ending injury because some nobody fans called him soft. Just sayin.

Don’t buy that polite Canadian bullshit. Canadians are some of the biggest drunken louts on Earth. If you want to dispel that myth completely, go to a hockey game anywhere in the nation.

I’m gonna start just using the word “expletive”. That’s actually far funnier.

It was a bad decision by everyone involved in making it, but nobody put a gun to KD’s head and forced him to play. He’s a grown ass man and if he didn’t think he was ready then he shouldn’t have suited up. If he risked his future career and his payday because some nobody called him soft in some meaningless article,

Generation outrage always has to have a villain.

Wow, Canadians really take the lie that they’re somehow more polite than everyone else pretty seriously. True story, I’ve been all over the world in my life and the two nations I’ve visited where the people were absolutely the most rude and ill natured were Russia and Canada. Russians hate everyone, I know since my

You were absolutely cheering for Durant’s injury. Why would the American fans be cheering for his injury, the American fans would be rooting for the Warriors, you numpty. If nothing else you’re post is proof that the false stereotype of the good natured Canadian is a joke and you’re too stupid to even see the irony in

The PC Gamer show was the worst I’ve seen in years. It was 75% shooters and most of those were Doom knockoffs, and about 25% completely niche indie games few will play. The hosts and guests were unbearable cringe and the highlight of the whole thing was a laugh they got from a hippo taking a shit in Planet Zoo.

This is the year before a new generation of consoles launch. Those are always slow years with things far off. Microsoft will want to hype their new system and companies will want to compete with their next gen titles at E32020 so I would bet it’s going to be absolutely crazy.

I thought it looked really interesting. I’ve heard rumors of an open world horror rpg at a Bethesda studio for a while now and I’m guessing this is it. I just wish they, along with Arkane, had given us some actual gameplay and some more details about these games. This looks great but what type of game is it? The

Fallout 76 is a very good game now and if they add human npc’s and a decent story it could become a very god damn good game. And fuck the internet hipster hater troll squad. I’d play the shit out of a Fallout Battle Royale mode and I won’t let the sheeple squad tell me what I should like and not like, unlike most of

Generation Outrage never disappoints. No matter what path is chosen by anyone, some numpty from generation outrage has to cry about it. It’s gotten to the point where I’m beginning to hate personal freedom because all it’s done is make crying about meaningless shit a personal crusade. Fuck all of you and your

Every company ever.

And I still don’t give a fuck. People aren’t obligated to respect everyone else and their lifestyle choices. Get over it. I respect LGBTQ people, but I also don’t care if everyone else does. Fuck off with this non stop PC bullshit.

I don’t care if he knows, I don’t care if they are, and I don’t care about you. Nobody is obligated to like everybody. Handle your own life and problems and stop annoying me with them. I don’t give one single solitary fuck about you.