Jeremy Alexander

You told your wife to “fuck off” over a videogame? That makes it pretty obvious you don’t have a wife and nobody would ever fuck you ever. If you’re not lying you’re a piece of shit. Either way it’s not a good look and you might want to delete that post, dipshit.

That was pretty rough. From the awful graphics and animations, to the walking simulator style gameplay, to the bad AI and environments, to the platformer jumping puzzles, that looked like complete shit. I was hoping they would do something special with this, but if that was their big marketing reveal and that’s the

There are prominent black women? Who knew? I thought they were all too busy being single mothers with 5 kids and 3 deadbeat fathers.

How do you not set this to Dead or Alive “You Spin Me Round”?

No because using the term “oriental” as a slur in the first place is pure generation outrage garbage. Oriental isn’t a racist term, it means eastern in Latin. Just like Occidental means western. Asia was east of the Roman Empire, hence it was the orient (the east) and it’s people oriental (eastern). If that offends

I agree. I’ve only seen a few Youtube let’s plays and I feel like I’ve seen everything this game has to offer. It might be fun for a few hours if I can get it for a buck or two on sale, or in a Humble Bundle, but otherwise it seems like a pass for me. Not a bad game by any means, but pretty limited.

If Mexico is so wonderful and has this great leader I’m confused as to why millions of them flee to come to the US every year. Oh that’s right, it’s because Mexico is a corrupt sewer and the most violent nation on Earth for decades where the rule of law has long died to the rule of the drug cartels.

I wonder then why millions are fleeing Obrador’s Mexico to get to Trump’s United States. That’s right, it’s because Mexico is one of the most corrupt nations on Earth and over the last couple decades, the most violent. A dump where the rule of law is all but forgotten. See we don’t have an immigration crisis at all,

Yeah, let’s trade the guy whose gotten us the biggest economy and lowest unemployment in our history for someone that runs a nation that’s the worlds second most violent after Syria and arguably the most corrupt outside of North Korea. The millions risking their lives to get into the United States must have had a good

He’s not wrong about the flow of drugs, and violence. He might have the statesmanship of an out of control ape, but his complaints are valid. Unlimited immigration into the United States, and the continuing problem of the drug trade and gang violence are legitimate concerns and not sustainable without Mexico also

I don’t care about being vegan or vegetarian because eating meat is natural for human beings, but I had an impossible burger last year at a tasting event in Chicago and I could not tell the difference between it and a regular “meat from cows” burger. It tasted like meat, looked like meat, and even had the right level

Because it’s literally a product meant to taste like meat, you numpty.

It has really gotten much better. There are still some bugs, but the game is far more stable, there are lots of new activities to do and they add new content weekly, if not more. It’s not perfect and it isn’t Fallout 5 with friends, but I’ve played far worse games over the last few years. Far worse.

I’m calling bs on this one. First of all, he didn’t spend hours looking for a deathclaw. There’s literally a place called Deathclaw Island where one will always spawn. Second, I’ve never heard of or had this problem in almost 300 hours of play. F76 released a broken mess and still has it’s issues to be sure, but the

It’s almost mathematically impossible that we are alone in the universe. Everyone thinks meeting alien life will change everything. It will be amazing, we’ll all stop and stare at our video streaming devices of choice, we’ll learn what we already know (that we aren’t alone) and then we’ll go back to work, we’ll make

Exactly. I had a friend from childhood that was the same way. He kept pining away for all these supermodel girls and couldn’t figure out why he was single while trashing the women that rejected him. Let me paint a picture for you. He’s sexist, homophobic, about 5'5", fat, had a weird mullet up top and hair down to his

Dear 25 year old loser that can’t handle a job or love because they don’t like the results of an election, man the fuck up. I don’t like Trump either, but what indicates he’s going to be the harbinger of the apocalypse? He might be the first US president in my lifetime to draw us out of wars instead of expanding them

First of all, Divinity Original Sin’s modern incarnation is a spiritual continuation of the Ultima series, their words not mine. Second, how the hell would there be nothing legal to track if the game is ready to be announced? Has anyone looked for trademark filings? Plus that symbol looks an awful lot like the D:OS sty

What a bunch of clickbait from generation outrage. “Men” aren’t angry about Captain Marvel. I’m a man and thought it was an average film and I’m not angry about any of it and ticket sales show that. A percentage of a percentage of a percentage of sexist asshats make some twitter comments and AV Club displays them as a

It doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s pretty tough to invest in any of these characters and stories because we know we’ll never see them again and that entirely new faces will be playing them 5 or 10 years down the road in the MCU.