Jeremy Alexander

There’s no way the Raptors win this series. Sorry, I’ve got no dog in the fight, but even if Durant sits the series out it’s 4-2 Warriors at best. If Durant returns and is healthy it’s 4-1 or 4-0. Lowrey will disappear and as good as Leonard is, he’s not going to LeBron James them to a ring.

Are they as hypocritical as the Muslims that want to play victim after 1400 years of their bloody crusade to convert the world to their religion? British imperialism is a blink of the eye compared with the nearly millennia and a half list of atrocities, butchery, and theft of land committed by the followers of Islam.

And hopefully not to excuse the entirely fucked up hypocrisy of Muslims calling out others for their imperial histories. Islam started in a small corner of the Arabian peninsula and within a few centuries had empires stretching from Africa to the Pacific Islands and I hate to break it to you, but those people didn’t

I missed the part about him being an asshole. He’s anti-religious. Anytime you want to compare atheist assholes to religious assholes, I’m all for it.

I’m sick and tired of racism being combined with being anti-religion. Religions are not racial, they’re a set of beliefs people chose to believe and they’re based in fantasy bullshit. Being anti-religion doesn’t make someone a hate monger, being a muslim or a christian that wants to kill people for not sharing their

Who gives a fuck? What kind of creeper fuck writes an article about what a high school girl did in her prom? Oh, she’s black. I guess that’s newsworthy in the perpetual victim crowd. In other news, I don’t care what any white bitch in the world wore to her prom. At least try to keep up.

GOT will be part of pop culture in the same way that Star Wars is. The difference between it and something like Avatar is that Avatar was a terrible movie that only did as well as it did because it brought back the 3D gimmick. Rough landing or not, GOT is the greatest fantasy anything ever put on a screen, large or

Musk is a genius. Lets spend billions of dollars in tunnels to move cars around impractically when we already have tons of rail options that already exist and are efficient. More money for older tech that doesn’t work as well and keeps us using the cars we should be moving away from. BRILLIANT!

It’s almost like they could use those underground tunnels to move trains full of people around instead of impractical cars that we should be moving away from. They could call them “subways”.

No, not everyone’s an expert. Some people know what they’re talking about and some people just fanboy over some con man because they wish they had his life even though he’s never done anything other than steal money for garbage products, lies, and half baked schemes that will never happen. Can’t wait to see what “just

Elon Musk is a con man.

“Eating well and feeding your kid right and being aware about food is all considered very posh and middle class.”Thank god I’m posh and middle class then. The slow death of the middle class is one of the reasons society has so many more problems today. A powerful middle class keeps a lot of extremes on both ends in

Or maybe don’t care and get nasty over a little thing that means nothing in the grand scheme. Even generation outrage can take a day or two off once and a while.

PUBG is still my favorite and I’ve tried most of the others. It feels dangerous and tactical while things like Fortnite and APEX are way too arcade like for my tastes. All of those 3 are pretty fun, but stranded on an island with only 1, I’d still take PUBG, but I agree that it is in dire need of more substantial

There was nothing wrong with the dialogue. I’d love to see you try to do better than GOT. I fucking hate people like you.

Jaime was never going to kill the one person he loved his entire life and that’s been obvious and an integral part of the show and his character since the very first fucking episode when he threw a child from a tower to protect their secret. I don’t believe anyone that hates Jaime and Dany’s character arcs actually

What are you even talking about. She’s already had to be talked out of burning multiple cities, including King’s Landing. Torching the city was her original plan years ago. What fucking show have you people been watching? Are you really saying we need more filler episodes with everyone boring us to tears just to ease

Fuck you. Write something yourself then you vapid empty shell.

This season has been up and down, but please kindly fuck off. Why do these 16,000 morons even get attention at all vs the millions that watch the show and act like adults no matter what their view on it is. It’s a show, it’s not something to turn into a civil rights movement. If you don’t like it don’t watch it. And

My guess for a while was that the Night King would win and we would discover that he was actually the hero of the story. Ooops. My second guess was that the throne would be melted and the great houses collapse leading to a post monarchy nation state situation. But I’m not doing so well with GOT predictions,