Jeremy Alexander

All of them minus one or two. They’re all dead. Maybe Jon and a dragon make it. Maybe some flee to the coast and make it to Essos, which they all should have done anyway. But most will be gone by the end of the show. If this show has a happy ending I’m done with television forever. The Night King should win and take

People in real life make poor out of character decisions all the time. Why we expect characters in fiction to be consistent for years or decades at a time has always seemed silly to me.

Given that it happened on another continent, there’s no chance of that happening.

Wiser than most? Jon Snow might be the dumbest character on that show. Nice guy, honorable, but stupid as a post.

They missed a golden opportunity to give Jaime a dragonglass blade to replace his golden hand. That would have made for some cool moments. Also, this show is dumb. Winterfell cannot beat the forces of the dead, the world is in a winter that could last decades, and the Night King has them surrounded. He doesn’t have to

They missed a golden opportunity by not replacing Jaime’s hand with a dragonglass blade.

Can anyone tell me why they didn’t replace Jamie’s golden hand with a dragon glass spear. A missed opportunity.

They’re all dead. Maybe one or two characters get to flee, but 99% of the people we’ve watched for years will be gone in the next 4 weeks.

Nope he clearly said he can see the future.

This is the dumbest show ever written and you hit the nail on the head. The Night King can simply sit there until they run out of food and die. He has no mouths to feed and all of eternity to wait knowing the forces they have can’t beat him. This is just the cherry on top of a show with a story that has never made any

I know that it might be a foreign concept to other cultures, but European’s and Asian’s take care of their own. Sorry you don’t have the means to do the same, but I’d be lying if I said I really cared about you.

Flint’s water has met federal safety standards for almost 2 years. Nobody cares whats going on there because nothing is going on there.

Don’t waste your time, this idiot doesn’t even know that Notre Dame was built centuries before we bought Africans slaves from their African owners or even knew that North and South America existed. I don’t compare them either because Flint has had clean drinking water for almost 2 years, Puerto Rico has gotten and

WOW! Not that it surprises me, but you have the historical knowledge of a 5 year old. Notre Dame was built almost 300 years before anyone in Europe knew North and South America existed and centuries before Africa’s leaders sold their slaves to Europeans. I know you weak crybabies think the world revolves around you

The water in Flint has met federal guidelines for safety for almost 2 years. The lies being told by the churches and african american political organizations there are for the same reason they always have been, to get money from suckers that never goes to those that need it. Poverty pimps in full effect. Notre Dame is

I knew it was just a matter of time before the crybaby bullshit came out. The water in Flint, Michigan meets federal safety standards and has for more than a year. In fact it’s water is rated more safe to drink than where I live. One of those middle class mostly white areas that life’s losers hate so much. African

Or do it and stop giving a shit what offends people. I stopped after years of this pc generation outrage bullshit.

Nobody has the right to tell someone how to cosplay a character. If that offends organizations or people then the proper response is “Go fuck yourself, that’s a you problem” and keep right on doing as you please. I find it ironic we have yet another white girl pretending to stand up for African Americans. Looks like

She didn’t do anything wrong. She’s properly portraying a character. And she carries zero burden for the problems Africans have faced in North America because she’s not American. In Deadpool they cosplayed Domino as African American and that’s called progress. More bullshit hypocrisy and I don’t care about the history

It’s refreshing to know people can still be healthy instead of embracing being fat as a lifestyle choice instead of the serious health issue it is.