Jeremy Alexander

There’s nothing wrong with killing nazi’s. The whole Nazi ideology revolves around the mass murder of people they deem unworthy. If someone calls themselves a nazi, then they are saying they agree with that and would participate in it, therefore they lose their right to be safe from harm themselves because no matter

Not even close. Civ 6 is the most cluttered, ugly, f-ed up UI and map in the series. I have to wait a few seconds just for a bunch of intel briefings that matter to no player go away. Then I have a map where I could tell what things are at a glance except they cover up the art that allows that with icons, then yields

Civ 6 is the worst game in the series and the first one who’s DLC actually made the game even worse. It’s the first Civ game since the original that I actively dislike. Civ 5 remains the peak of the series for me until it’s topped and even that had some serious flaws. I still love the look of Civ 4 for some odd reason.

Hateful people created the current political climate, the news isn’t a separate entity and they only show what gets them views. People want things like FOX news because they’re already hateful. If the majority of news viewers wanted stories about puppy dogs, then that’s what you would see. The media, flaws and all, is

Jack Nicholson was a terrible joker. Stand by what you want, you have terrible taste.

I haven’t played a survival game I’ve liked so far. Either the bars fill up so quickly and resources are so scarce that I spend all my game time looking for food and water (the beginning of The Forest), or I get to the point where food and water are so plentiful that dealing with them becomes an annoyance instead of a

The water in Flint has been at federal safety levels for almost a year. The explanation is that this is poverty pimping and victim porn at it’s worst. There was a problem with the water and it was fixed. The only problem now is with people that desperately want to hold onto their fake victim cards.

The government did it’s job. Almost 7000 pipes have been replaced with the last few to be finished early this year and Flint’s water has met federal safety guidelines for over a year. This story is bullshit.

The water in Flint is at Federal safety standards and has been for almost a year with almost 7000 pipes replaced and all of them replaced completely by the end of this year. This is just more victim porn and exploitation.

Yeah, it’s amazing these games didn’t get more criticism for their interfaces when they came out. I still haven’t finished Ultima Underworld because it’s such a chore to navigate and I first bought the damned thing when it came out. If your interested, there is a special edition of System Shock on GOG and I believe it

I thought their first concept of a total rework of the original was much better and certainly looked nicer. I’m not sure who this game will appeal to. People that like the original can get the special edition on GOG with modern conveniences like mouse look and people that aren’t interested in that probably aren’t

Torment Tides of Numera was a game where the entire approach to quests acted much the same way. Every time an obstacle was before you there were always so many solutions that it didn’t matter what type of character you created because every type had an easy solution tailored to it. It rarely, if ever, put a character

Choosing a character should be an informed decision based around your preferred play style or a character you are role playing. Making people guess what they should pick to defeat unknown end bosses is just as dumb as letting everyone pick anything.

I’ll never understand the whole singling out “celebrity” thing. I hear far dumber things on a daily basis from people who aren’t celebrities. What does someone’s level of fame have to do with their intelligence, your jealousy aside?

Wow, Barbra Sterisand is an idiot. Who knew? I mean aside from everyone on Earth for the last 40 years.

He can go fuck himself. Talk about loving fantasy, he thinks that the Japanese don’t like to kill, war with others and blow things up. Or does he think all Japanese films are about hugs and rainbows. I guess he skipped ahead in japanese history class to 1946. And then he has the nuts to talk about racism. If there’s a

I don’t care how much work is involved, that’s the job. If you don’t want to do that work, get a different job. I’m not going to a restaurant, cooking my own food, and bringing my dishes back to the pit because I’m there as a customer, not a helper and not their employer. For the same reason, aside from basic decency

The argument against tipping isn’t because we hate the wait staff, it’s because were making up for cheap employers that don’t want to pay people a living wage and I don’t own the hotel so that’s not my problem.

I came up from dishwasher to restaurant owner while also getting a degree. That’s many degrees harder and shittier work than housekeeping. 10 dollars a day per person, plus even a bad wage, plus money for each room adds up to more than I made for probably the first ten working years of my life. There’s no way I’m

Room service, yeah. I bring up my own bags.