Jeremy Alexander

I’d never tip for a cleaning service. They get a wage, plus money for each room. I didn’t even know it was a tip based profession. I’m not making up for the fact that hotel owners are too cheap to pay their workers a reasonable wage. They can take that up with ownership.

No kidding. I own a couple restaurants and the servers go home with more money after a busy night than I will. 10 dollars per person per day is insane. I’m not paying the people that clean my hotel room 40 dollars per day. Hell, I’ll switch to that as a career if that’s the kind of money they make. 10-40 dollars a day

That’s new. I’ve never seen an elderly woman in housekeeping in my life and I’ve traveled all over the place. And I wouldn’t quit after one shift because I worked hard from nothing to not have to do jobs like that anymore. You’re making a lot of assumptions about the people you’re interacting with. But hey, that’s

I agree completely. I don’t book vacations to do house chores. I do that shit every day at home. Like you said, I’m not gonna wreck the room or leave the toilet unflushed, but that’s where my work ends. As far as their wages, that’s a problem they’ll have to deal with. Unionize, ask for more money, protest, or get

I’m not gonna trash my hotel room and the type of person that is isn’t going to care about anything you wrote. I go on vacation to get away from responsibility, not to add chores to my list and I’m not tipping anyone. I do it, but I don’t even like tipping in a restaurant because all you’re doing is making it so that

Streaming means that they have the hardware, you’re just sending them controller inputs and they’re sending you back an image. If you have a controller and a screen, you’re good to go.

This isn’t competition for anything. I have no interest in games I can’t mod and don’t own.

She’s a fat, unhealthy pig that sets a standard for young people that they should be okay with being morbidly obese. She’s not a hero, she’s what not to be. She has future blood on her hands and she’s disgusting.

Fat people should be helped, not celebrated. She isn’t beautiful, she’s morbidly obese and killing herself while contributing to massive increases in health care costs. This might be acceptable for the poverty pimp population, but it’s a hard fucking pass anywhere else. We need to stop celebrating losers and failures.

So now you’re pretending you care about what happened to white people? Go fuck yourself, racist.

Correction, fans were remaking Dark Forces in Unreal 4 until articles like this brought attention to it. Now it will be shut down just like the KOTOR remake was. Things like this are a waste of time and energy.

This article cherry picked his “motivations”. He said the primary reason for his attack was the Islamic terror attacks across Europe, and one in particular where a muslim immigrant drove a truck into a crowd of people in Sweden killing many including an 11 year old girl. The reason he chose New Zealand was to make a

You left a lot out about his self-declared “motivations” to make your own political point. It was mainly the Islamic attacks in Europe that started this and he specifically chose New Zealand because he wanted people to not feel safe anywhere and that seemed like the most unlikely place for an attack. The idea that

Typical. Threatening over a movie poster and asking for names. This is where stereotypes are born. Thank you for reinforcing them.

She’s not a main character. Black Panther should be on the front, she shouldn’t.

Only losers care what goes on with Twitter, and there’s no reason to defend Depp as a hire since he’s not been convicted of anything. Maybe the courts should decide guilt and not Twitter wretches.

I agree. I saw the original British “the Office” and couldn’t get through a full episode of the American one. It wasn’t even qualified to use the name. The British are a big bundle of fuck up lately, but they definitely have the better comedy.

Jesus, that article is longer than the show itself. And since when has SNL been truly funny? Maybe a year or two in the Will Ferrel years, or a the first few years it was on in the 70's and 80's. Even then those are more revered for being classics than actually funny.

Even Alpha is generous. It’s been out for months and I still encounter regular crashes and bugs of all different types. Forget the state it was in anyway. Even if it had released bug free, it’s a lousy game with a dead limp world, no npcs, no good quests, and no real rebuilding since the rebuild areas revert after you

I don’t understand what you mean by tv support. I’ve used GOG and Steam with a tv basically since day 1 for both and I’ve never had an issue. I don’t even use that ugly big picture mode on Steam. The normal interface works great. I’ve got a 52 inch Sharp, a wireless mouse and keyboard, and it’s been awesome. I haven’t