Jeremy Alexander

Yeah, but he didn’t want a legal mess and wasn’t going to cooperate. I could have just done a documentary about D&D and TSR, but without anyone from the whole experience involved it would have felt pretty shallow. I might still do a short youtube series at some point, but I’ve pretty much moved on. And yeah, even if

I don’t have hard feelings about it anymore. He was a nice guy, but it just seemed like he didn’t understand that we were serious about the project, so he didn’t take it seriously and when we met face to face, he just seemed surprised that we were ready to go. The guy just wants to play games and have his convention

When I finally met him face to face, he struck me as someone that just talked about it like it sounded cool,  but didn’t ever take it seriously. And there’s no need for salty comments. We had already put a few thousand dollars into various aspects to make this and it didn’t matter if Gail would have actually done it

So true story, in 2013, I went to Gary Con and had been talking to Ernie Gygax about doing a documentary film about the development of D&D and his fathers legacy. Being a huge gaming nerd myself I was thrilled that he initially liked the idea and said we could talk about it. We spoke online about it for some time and

What were they supposed to do? The universe isn’t a fucking Disney movie. The guy died and they did there best to keep the trains moving. Was all of NYC supposed to stop and pay homage? Maybe an hour of silent reflection? Generation snowflake outrage is in full effect with this dumb ass article.

The South Side of Chicago is not the entire United States and no it wouldn’t have been automatically looted in most of the US.

For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would care about viewership numbers. As far as you hating that people don’t go to theaters more, then tell them to reduce costs. I’m not spending 70-100 dollars for my family of 5 to go to Roma when I can make a healthy meal at home and we can enjoy it from our living

I wondered when the old washed up men were going to turn up and tell those kids to get off their lawn. Maybe Spielberg is just jealous because he hasn’t made a good movie in years, or is it decades now? People that push back against change that’s both good and inevitable never ceases to get old. It’s always funny.

4.00 per hour? When I was a senior in high school in 1994, I worked weekends at a local Dairy Queen and I was paid 10.75 per hour. That was almost 3 decades ago. How is anyone supposed to live off of 4 dollars per hour in the United States with housing costs at record highs? This country is going down the toilet.

There’s nothing wrong with carbs. Just fat slobs that don’t want to exercise off what they eat.

Why can’t people just eat like normal human beings and exercise. There’s no mystery to this, we did it right for centuries, and we often ate more calories and far worse foods.

Or don’t be a punk and embrace brutal self criticism because that’s how you get stronger, and that’s how you change. Generation snowflake is going to have a tough time in the real world.

People can settle down a bit outside the region. India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons, but they’re mostly, if not all, tactical and not strategic. These aren’t the civilization killing ICBM’s of the cold war, these are low yield tactical weapons designed to wreck defensive positions or hit large concentrations of

Nothing would amaze me more than anyone caring what happens to this professional fuck up. He’s a d-bag that’s never done anything other than mess up his life. Hopefully a mix of whiskey and pills will end any future articles about this tit.

Or I won’t care because 1- people can wear whatever they want, and 2- who gives a fuck about awards shows in 2019 other than insecure losers that need validation from everyone on Earth but themselves?

If GOG goes under and I lose my games, I’m out. If Steam get’s screwed and I lose my 900+ games, I’m out. I don’t care about competition, I just want to play the games I bought when I want. If I can’t do that, there are a million other hobbies out there. Not only that, but I’ll pirate everything from this point on and

If those people aren’t getting new projects out and their work is being delayed for years, then yes. A company can’t operate for years with no income. That’s not how math works. This isn’t at all like the ActivisionBlizzard situation.


That’s a shame. I was ready to build my video library on Steam just like I built my games library, with classic games being bought on GOG. The prices were too high though. It’s obvious that the Valve approach to management is going to be the end of them. It’s fine to go full hippy when there’s no competition and

The old salted style of sushi came to Japan via China, but it came to China from SE Asia. Roughly modern day Vietnam.