Jeremy Alexander

Yeah, who would have thought that man children that are too infantile to become grown adults and play video games for a living into their 30's and 40's might be perverts and not well adjusted responsible human beings. I’m just shocked I tell you, just shocked. The next breaking news will be that African American men

She’s only guilty of being nobody. You’re only guilty of being another “writer” than pursues celebrity over substance. You enable people like Trump by existing and you’re the same reality star shit as he is. You’re both scum.

And this is why I will not support the Epic games store.

No, you get labeled a racist because when you thought it was white men, we were the devil again, when it turns out to be bs put together by 3 black men, you defend someone that says he almost feels sorry for them. You’re just as awful a human being as anyone in a m.a.g.a. hat, you just flipped the color scheme.

Yeah, but there almost always attacked by black men. White people don’t rove black neighborhoods with rope and bleach waiting to find actors to attack.

I wouldn’t ask for an apology from you because I wouldn’t believe it and I don’t care what you think about anything on this planet.

What would anyone have on their phones that they wouldn’t want the authorities to see?

Talking about racists while using the term “these people”. That’s rich, but not as rich as saying other people like to “play the victim”. Playing the victim has been the African American man’s go to for decades and now you want to call us snowflakes. Give me a break. This idiot set black people back and gave Trump

Funny how nobody had a problem jumping to conclusions when they thought 2 white men attacked a black man. Now that the truth is out, everyone wants to hit the brakes. Oh, the irony.

It’s a glorified tech demo that gets the fewest and slowest updates around. Modders made more content for Minecraft in one year than Mojang has period.

Mind blowing! Who would have thought that a rock star, of all people, was abusive to women and a sexual predator? Now I’ve heard everything.

This is the reality you have to deal with. If you send sexual pictures of yourself or allow compromising pictures of you to be taken, expect them to be seen by more than the intended audience because they will be. I am 99% positive I was not hired for a job after a couple fantastic interviews because I was dumb and

If you’re comparing PewDiePie to Hitler you’re a complete fucking idiot. Hitler is responsible for killing tens of millions of people. PewDiePie is a dumb kid from Sweden that made a couple of bad jokes and knowing people from that area of Europe, they don’t think of things like the N word as a slur because they don’t

He’s not a racist, just an idiot.

I keep seeing articles like this and yet I grew up in the 80's and 90's and never even saw this shit. I never even heard of them. And I’m sorry, but we had internet in the 90's. I believe I used a service called Prodigy to play games and chat since the late 80's. Then we had America Online, then Netscape, and so on.

Interesting stuff, what work has he done in the gaming industry?

Don’t try to be reasonable. We’re generation snowflake and we will be outraged about every single thing in life even if we have to make dumb shit up, like Valentine’s Day being a capitalist conspiracy to prop up big chocolate and the evil flower industry. Give me a fucking break.

It’s just a stupid holiday where you buy some flowers and chocolate. There’s no harm in it. The people that hate it are far worse than the holiday itself.

I’m an atheist and a firm believer in gay rights, but religious people have the right to their beliefs, they just don’t have the right to discriminate over them. It clearly states that homosexuality is wrong in the bible. If you are an actual believing Christian, Jew, or Muslim, you believe homosexuality is a sin.

Maybe he didn’t deny it because he, like the majority of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc think homosexuality is wrong. I don’t agree with it, but he has the right and the freedom to feel that way and belong to groups that feel that way. I have gay friends that are massive fundamentalist christians. Obviously they skip