Jeremy Alexander

I don’t agree with the church, but people have the right to dislike someone or something they think is wrong. Calling people out because of their religious beliefs or talking about boycotting their work is no different than the intolerant hate mongers that won’t make cakes for gay people. He’s a free man and can think

I forgot there was a past tense of shit until I read this article. You get points.

As a restaurant owner, I can understand the desire to be cash only, but it’s just not convenient for my customers. I don’t take American Express because the cut they want is laughable, but the others are fine. I would never support a cash only business.

Wouldn’t the smart thing to do in a hurricane situation would be to leave the area? Then it’s not an issue. As far as living in an ice zone, I’ve lived in Chicago, Minneapolis, and Milwaukee for a large chunk of my life and cold has never changed my ability to purchase something with a card.

I keep around 500 in cash in my house in case of a mass power outage or unforseen emergency and zero on me when I go out. There’s nothing I can’t get with a card on a normal day and if a business decides they don’t take them, I go to one of their thousand competitors that does. As far as emergencies, hurricanes and

It’s smart campaigning to convince someone to buy a controller by giving them a copy of a shit and broken mess of a game that nobody is buying in the first place? Thank god you went into journalism instead of marketing. ;)

I’ve never seen a game company shit the bed harder than Bethesda has with one single product. We expect stupidity and greed from pits like EA and Ubisoft, but Bethesda not exceeds them in greed, but isn’t even capable of putting out a basic finished product. It’s February of 2019 and the game isn’t only still awful

A top down Fallout wouldn’t sell well enough. The original Fallout games poor sales were a major factor in dooming Black Isle. Remember that the overwhelming majority of today’s Fallout fans, since 34 is the average age of a gamer, had their introduction to the series with Fallout 3. It sucks, they were great games,

Bethesda didn’t fuck anyone over, they signed a contract and Obsidian did not fulfill their part to get the bonus. Sorry champ, but that’s the way contracts work 99.9% of the time in the real world. Fair doesn’t live here, this is reality. Second, the reason those metacritic scores didn’t get to where they needed to

I’ve played all the Bethesda games at launch, since the original ES Arena, as well and never encountered bugs. I had the weird thing in Skyrim where a dead dragon corpse followed me around for a bit, and then stopped and in Fallout 4 I had frame rate drops around the Corvega factory until the 1st patch, but that’s it.

Then that’s for game companies to negotiate down using the leverage of competition. I’m not buying anything anywhere other than classic games on GOG and new games on Steam. I own nothing on Origin, Epic, or Uplay aside from what they gave away for free or as part of a Humble Bundle and that won’t change. I’m not

Epic is the middleman, just like Steam is. They’re exactly the same thing, they’re online retailers. Epic isn’t making Metro 3.

They’re right, it isn’t fair. It’s taking away choice from the marketplace and I won’t support it. I won’t buy Metro 3 until it’s on Steam. Epic’s store is garbage and I’m not putting my game library at risk so some publisher can pocket a slightly higher percentage. People can say what they like about Steam, but

Exactly, if we start tossing the art of anyone that was, or is, of questionable character, there wouldn’t be anything left. This is just clickbait from a hipster that’s incapable of self analysis. I love Lovecraft’s stories and I don’t give one single red shitting cent what kind of a person he was.

Artists and their work have to be separated. The self righteousness of this idiot article is staggering. I don’t care if Lovecraft’s part time hobby was beating up and robbing children and old ladies. I’m interested in his stories, not in him. Get over yourself and your hipster bullshit. 99% of the people that have


The narrative that all the ills of the world are because of white men is getting old. You published an article without any evidence and now that the picture is clearer, you’re doubling down. Because if the world needs one thing, it’s white women lecturing people about racism. You want to talk about Trump, look in the

This is the dumbest NFL article I’ve read in a very long time. Replay is one of the only things keeping this game even remotely honest. The refs are bad and have been historically bad this year, but if you think it was better before replay, you simply did not live in that time. Replay needs to be refined and we need

I’m no Pats fan and I’m a life long Bears fan and I’ve got now problem saying that Brady and Billy Boy are the best ever at what they do. I expect them to easily win the superbowl and cement their legacy as the greatest of all time at what they do. Anyone that doesn’t is a poser and is either lying to themselves or

What a bunch of pathetic losers you are. I’m from Chicago and when Jordan’s Bulls had their run I saw all this same shit. The Bulls haven’t mattered since. Now we see everyone crying about the Pats. I have no love for the Patriots and still enjoy how badly the last good Bears team beat them down like punks in the mid