Jeremy Alexander

I don’t believe or disbelieve. We have a courts system and a criminal justice system. A victim only needs to be believed by them. The problem isn’t a matter of belief it’s a matter of people not involved in any way deciding to judge people and situations they have zero knowledge of. Instead of believing or not


Finally I’ve got something to do with my shoes when I don’t want them anymore, I’ll UPS them to you, but you’ll have to provide the garlic and butter.

Edgy comment alert. Just kidding, brie by itself doesn’t have a super strong taste, but it’s really meant as an ingredient of a dip, but yeah I wouldn’t just sit down with a knife and eat brie.

Kraft Mac n Cheese with a can of tuna is f’ing incredible.

Yes, because if something becomes popular it automatically becomes bad, right?

You don’t like something, but you’ve had it all over North America? One of those things doesn’t work with the other. And what’s your point? Why are you taking the time to comment on an article about a food you say you don’t like? Do you think we give a shit what foods Steve does and doesn’t like? What a moron.

I have to agree with the results. I’m not a fan of the plastic tasting velveeta cheese and I still like Kraft the best. Annie’s was my least favorite and there is no virtue in choosing certain ingredients. Organic is nothing more than a marketing term and GMO free is anti-science as there isn’t a single study by

Or Disney could just reform Lucasarts and do it all in house. They have all the money in the world and could simultaneously lure the best talent from the industry and take advantage of their own studios like ILM to help with game development.

I hope this finally gets Star Wars taken away from EA. 6 years and counting and all we have are a couple mediocre shooters and some mobile garbage. Disney should just reform Lucasarts and build games internally.

This article should be part of the argument for genetically engineering humans. These all come down to mental issues that could be weeded out.

Gentrification is only a dirty word to losers. What should we do, let these areas rot and become spots for crime and poverty? The east side of downtown Indianapolis was full of old buildings, crime, prostitution, drugs, and every other issue. Now it’s gentrified and it’s clean, there’s new construction and business

I hate the very nature of the less is more concept of ingredient use. People that say fewer ingredients are better are hacks without the talent to compose complex dishes. They’re worse than the twits that think certain ingredients don’t belong on something just because they don’t like it. We’d never have most of the

Who the fuck is Ted Johnson?

I legit forgot Garafalo existed. I’m surprised she didn’t have  a bigger film career. It sounds like she would have gotten along with Harvey Weinstein just fine. It doesn’t hurt that they’re all of the same religious cult.

There’s no way Fallout 76 becomes a redemption story. It’s far from just bugs that bring F76 down. The lack of compelling npc’s, an awful story, environmental story telling with no pay off, piss poor pvp, limited ability to actually build or restore anything, and a ton of other issues mean that it would basically have

Poor Baltimore. Abandoning a super bowl champ that’s only 33, for a terrible run first qb that won’t be there in 3 years. Oh well, not my team.

Is there a reason why there isn’t constant surveillance of comatose or vegetative patients?

Heh, Packers suck.

You’re soft. I grew up in Chicago and we played football in the neighborhood streets in the snow wearing shorts and t-shirts. Maybe it’s our slavic blood keeping us warm, but it’s certainly not an issue.