Jeremy Alexander

It must be a sad existence to be only focused on one thing and to only be defined by one thing. It’s what makes you weak and cements your position in the world. You can’t exist forever playing the victim card. You’ll learn really fast 99% of people don’t give a shit. But you do you, it seems to be working really well

I must have missed which part of Africa invented cheese and which part invented pasta. She can do this dish however she wants. You don’t like it, don’t eat it.

3 Canadian dollars is about $2.30 American.

Wendy’s is the best mid-western fast food burger. They also make the best fries. They’re real potatoes with the skin still on and tossed in sea salt. They destroy McDonalds limp dick mush.

Finally we can all admit that Elon Musk isn’t a genius. He’s a hot mess of ego and insecurity that bankrolls smarter people to actually accomplish anything. He’s a younger version of Trump, but with the silicon valley douche bag quality even our moron in chief lacks. He’s no visionary, he’s a snake oil salesmen and

Sweet, start with me. The last thing I need is some celebrity worshiper who cries and curls up in a ball every time one of their pathetic idols is criticized. You won’t be missed, whoever the fuck you are.

Wahhhhhhh, wahhhhhhhh. People don’t like what I like, wahhhhhhhhh. Fuck off.

Congrats. There are a lot of dumb articles in this little community and you might have written the dumbest I’ve seen. It’s not funny or clever, it’s just dumb and I don’t even like pizza. But hey, you got the click so, good job?

I’m gonna take your post as irony because even in 2018 I refuse to believe anyone is dumb enough to post what you just posted. He repeatedly committed sexual assault on employees and you think firing him goes too far? I would have caved ended him to minute he put his hands on me. I’m, not rooting for him at all. I

If my boss flicked my nuts I’d beat him to death.

This is why I’ve abandoned any ideological affiliation. The left pretends to be the ideology of freedom and choice, but if you have a different economic view on the world, you’re told to shut up on edge lord sites like Kotaku, or whatever other side site said it, not that I give a fuck. I’m a democratic socialist and

I know it’s crazy! What do white people know about food? That must be why world cuisine is dominated by African chefs, oh ........ wait, that’s right. There are almost none. But yeah, some ladies chicken wasn’t good on a shitty talk show, so there’s that little victory for you. Ride it as long as you have to.

It reminds of when Brett Favre would take knocks to the head, then throw a touchdown pass only to tell people later he didn’t even remember the play. Do you think she actually knew where she was for a while after that? She seemed pretty out of it when she got up.

Yep, nothing says progress like that cover. How about a cover where two black women get degrees in physics? This isn’t progress, it’s exploitation of black women and purposefully using controversy to sell games that won’t benefit them. Congratulations on your progress. It’s all roses and sunshine from here on out.

Jews aren’t a race. They’re a religion, meaning they’re a belief and all religion is poison. His only mistake was not calling for the destruction of all religion and the establishment of a logical society.

It’s funny, the prequels had incredible spectacle, at least E2 and E3, but the story and acting were horrible. E7 and E8 had great acting, but not one single bit of the spectacle. Where is all the money for the sequel trilogy going. There isn’t a single moment in the new trilogy that matches anything from E2-E6.

What do you expect from someone dumb enough to be anti-vaccine?

My favorite was the bs about the game being able to have 16 times the detail. Where exactly is that, Todd? Tons of the assets are reused so they didn’t put that extra detail into the meshes. There are still loading screens for most large buildings so they didn’t use it to make the world seamless and I still get

I just treat each game as it’s own thing. If there are small lore inconsistencies I probably won’t notice and likely won’t care as long as they don’t go too crazy. Fallout has always played fast and loose with the lore going back to Fallout 2. Also, I agree about F76, it’s basically what they said. This isn’t Fallout

They can still be created anew from sources of powerful radiation from my understanding.