Jeremy Alexander

It would be neat. I would love a Fallout game set in London, but they already said they’re not going to. One thing to remember is that the nuclear war was between China and the US. Not much is said about the Soviets, and Europe’s war with the Middle East eventually ground them down and exhausted their resources, but

Who traveled across the country? The east coast supermutants were from FEV experiments there and aren’t the same as the Master’s creations from what I got in F3's lore.

The Fallout games have messed up the lore since Fallout 2 with appearances by Star Trek shuttles and the like. As technology developes, things will change, especially the way objects looks and I say great. I don’t want to see the same things game after game. In fact, I’m mad they didn’t change it more. When they

Wow, what a timely article. You managed to churn this out in less than 10 years. I’m super impressed. When is your hard hitting expose of Pulp Fiction coming?

I’m not saying this in defense of the game, I still haven’t decided if I like it or not myself, but you really suck at it. This might be the easiest game I’ve ever played. Food and water exists about every 5 feet in this “survival game”, enemies usually die in 1 to 2 hits, and keeping items repaired isn’t rocket

The Templar’s wouldn’t be in Japan or China. They’re a European organization.

If she doesn’t push a leftist agenda, she is not better than a republican. She’s the exact same thing.

The fight to continue to move the Democratic Party to the left wasn’t going to be resolved in one election. It’s just a matter of time. As the baby boomer generation that destroyed this planet dies off, the younger people who are overwhelmingly further to the left will take over party leadership and hopefully the

In our crybaby culture, people just want something to complain about. Bethesda’s engine will never be on the cutting edge graphically because it has too many other systems that other games don’t have. People talk about Witcher 3 and how much better looking it is than Skyrim, forgetting that Skyrim released 4 years

If you think Fallout 4 looks like Oblivion you need to go to an eye doctor asap.

And the annual in-passing comment of committing to PC gamers comes and goes yet again. It’s one of the most predictable and saddest things in gaming. I’m old enough to count the years I’ve heard this same bs in decades and yet they’ve never done anything. I don’t care if they improve their store, I want their products

They still don’t get it. I don’t buy their products because of the monetization, not because there isn’t enough of it. It’s the same reason I don’t buy EA products and neither company understands that despite having examples all over the place of companies that understand how to make a quality full game and make tons

Bethesda are really run by morons. The storage space is why I’m already not playing the game even during the Beta. I’ve literally stopped picking anything up anymore because I’ve got no where to put it. Not much of a survival and building game when there’s no looting. Nobody has even mentioned yet the small camps area

The winning ticket for the Democrats is Sanders for president and Gavin Newsom for VP. Two progressives that will win the election and a VP that will be set to be president after Sanders first or second term.

According to every poll done, Sanders would have trounced Trump and we wouldn’t be going through this nightmare. Hope he runs in 2016, because myself and many other leftists vowed that Clinton would be our last vote for traditional right wing leaning Demofakes and I will stand by that even if it means 4 more years of

It’s always a bad day when you can peg a gaming site as a paid branch of gaming companies marketing. It’s a shame you provided the absolute proof. If not the content of the article, which gives it away, but the fact that it needlessly exists. This game’s out, it’s been out. There’s no reason for this article to exist

Or maybe she doesn’t feel the need to apologize. Europeans are under no obligation to bow and scrape to anyone because they don’t like what we have to say. Tough shit, deal with it, or get over it. Those are your choices because we don’t care and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Then your the same as them and you hand them a full victory. The left needs to be more aggressive in combating extremism, but do you really want to act like them? Do you really want people to look at you and see the same thing? This is a shit time, but I promise you, you don’t kill fascists by acting like a fascist.

Who cares? If everyone were judged as adults by the dumb things they did in high school, we’d all be mopping floors at the local McDonald’s.

I love how edgelord writers always feel obligated to mention that Lovecraft was a racist. Should we go back through history, scrape for any bias we can find from anyone and have to include that in anything written about them? The Cthulhu mythos might be tired, but not as tired as white people trying to prove how