Jeremy Alexander

Sounds like he raised a 10 year old with better priorities than his old man.

It’s a joke, you dumb motherfucker.

More pretend indignity in a culture that has raised a generation that looks at fake indignity as a virtue. Is there anyone on Earth that should care what a snowboarders halloween costume was? Apparently there’s one such pussy writing for this site. What’s the next riveting article coming our way? How about the racial

The record for 3's is cool. The notion that they gave up 124 points to a rebuilding Bulls team without it’s best players on the court is not.

I know, right? I mean black women created civilization, advanced human knowledge in science and the arts, and laid the foundations for everything good in life. Oh ..... wait..... that’s right, they didn’t do any of that. But I still support your idea and I’ll buy the first ticket for them.

So the lesson here for all you morons is that you call the police when there are legal concerns. What was Twitter supposed to do, dipshit? It may come as a surprise to some people, but Twitter doesn’t have the authority to detain someone or make an arrest. Another stupid story from the dumbest writer/bigot on the site.

You might have the most twisted view on women I’ve seen in a long time. You need to pull yourself out of the muck. As for your expectations list, I don’t hit any of those and I’ve had nice girlfriends, for the most part, for my entire life and I’m average looking and getting older. The problem isn’t women, the problem

My sex life has always been all over the place. From 14-18 I always had a girlfriend or a FWB with an occasional hookup here and there. Then I moved to go back to school for a career change and between school and work I had no time to even make friends for a couple years, let alone meet a woman. I’m almost out of my

How does this surprise you? Barack Obama did nothing in his 8 years in office but continue the awful policies, both foreign and domestic, of George Bush and Bill Clinton. The one thing he did with his health care initiative is a joke. After my business went under, I got sick and I had “obamacare”, only nobody took it.

I was actually pretty pumped for this game despite not being much of a multiplayer guy, but I have to admit I’ve watched 12 hours of other people playing the game and it looks awful. I’m not even playing it and I’m already sick of reading notes and listening to audio tapes. Those types of quests and that type of

It’s a load of horseshit. They pull this same garbage in the restaurant and food service industry. When it comes time for contracts and promotion, do you think the people that opted out will see any of it? “Optional overtime” my stone tight ass.

I think Elon Musk is actually losing his mind. Now he’s picking Twitter fights with people over their handles? You’d think he would have better things to do. I have a feeling this is all going to end very badly for Musk and his companies. These companies deserve and need serious leadership, not a mentally unstable

I disagreed with the mans politics, but he didn’t always “toy with doing the right thing”. THere was that time where despite 2 years in solitary confinement with beatings every few hours and then another 2 years of additional torture, he turned down an opportunity for early release because he refused to go until all

I disagreed with the mans politics, but he didn’t always “toy with doing the right thing”. THere was that time where despite 2 years in solitary confinement with beatings every few hours and then another 2 years of additional torture, he turned down an opportunity for early release because he refused to go until all

Thank god another white woman is here to white woman-splain how we should feel about this. White people should be washing our feet and our dishes. What they have to say about anything means nothing.

Elon Musk has led the globe in things like AI and affordable space travel, she sees kids in the invisible world and thinks lawyers are coming for her phone. Musk isn’t the problem here, her mental illness is.

I don’t see how this is a source of entertainment to the writer. She clearly has serious mental issues and there isn’t anything funny about that. This isn’t some celebrity fued. Elon Musk runs multiple companies that are leading in areas such as AI and affordable space travel. She sees kids in the invisible world and

I agree completely. I was in a band and I always told people that 1 band should never make more than 2 albums. The first one is all the cool shit you’ve come up with and have been thinking about your whole life and it comes from a raw place. The second is you with a budget that can get out the masterpieces that you

It’s sad that this reminds me how little music has changed in the last 30 years. Think about how music changed in the 1950's,60's,70's,80's and the 90's and then sit back and realize that it’s basically been running in place for almost 30 years. I don’t drive a ton because I live in the city, but I occasionally hop in

Welcome back, you’ve been missed. This place isn’t the same without you.